A few weeks ago we took Oliver along with our friends to Hampstead Heath for a long Sunday stroll in the park. Hampstead Heath is an amazing HUGE park directly in London that covers over 790 acres of land and is pretty much Oliver's favorite place in the city. It was a muddy, foggy day in London.
Wellies on, we made our way around the park and had a blast.
Wellies are an absolute MUST on British days like these! Trying not to get in the mud pretty much, didn't exist. Not only are they cute, but living here in rainy England, they are essential.
I had to snap a pic of this gentleman coming up over the hill, through the fog. Doesn't he look like he is out of a Downton Abbey show, typical British, just like he is out to go hunting with his hounds. 
The park is gorgeous and has ponds that you are able to swim in and tons of perfect paths for running. I felt like I was in the English countryside, however it was ten minutes from our flat. Can't you tell Oliver loves it? He didn't running the entire two hours.
I know I'm the cutest muddy dog around!
A long walk through a big muddy park requires a cup of tea and coffee after, for sure. Don't worry, Hampstead Heath also has an adorable outside cafe that I felt was more of an adorable dog cafe! The cafe was filled with dogs sitting by their owners. If you are a dog lover, this is one place to hang out and see every breed, from huge sheep dogs to sweet little pugs.
Muddy, tired Oliver can't wait to go back, I can't either...maybe a little less mud this time.
Hamsptead Heath is easily accessible by Public Transportation as well! The overground stops just a few minutes away, perfect to bring your dog and go for a run.