Monday, December 12, 2016

A Very Blush Christmas

It is no secret that I love a little bit of pink....did you see my Christmas decorations? A pink decorated white tree, hey, I love a little bit of blush! This year when thinking of Christmas ideas, I realized that most of my gift choices just happened to be pink. There has been a big trend in blush colored items and I have to say, I am loving it! I have hardly finished my Christmas shopping but this week I am getting it done! Below is a list of some of my favorite ways to add a bit of pink to your Christmas list this year. I'm thinking I may have some blush items under the tree this year! 

1. Add a little blush to your living room Mongolian Lamb Pillow Cover | 2. For those winter chapped lips Rose Lip Polish | 3. A lovely blush pink lady bag Grand Street Kate Spade Handbag | 4.  Keep your head warm with a little pink pom pom Marled Pom Pom Hat | 5. Forget a black or tan fur vest, I LOVE this pink vest Blush Faux Mink Fur Vest | 6. A great pink stocking stuffer Rose Gold Bobbi Pins | 7. A little bit of blush on a locket Locket Pendant Necklace | 8. How cute is this bag that you can monogram? Blush Crossbody Bag | 9. The perfect cup to brighten up your morning Hello Gorgeous Coffee Cup | 10. These glasses are such a nice touch of pink to your next party or dining room table  Pink Cylinder Champagne Glasses | 11. I'm a huge fan of the tassel earring trend and these bush ones are on my list! Mini Gem Pinata Tassel Drop Earrings

xoxo - Rebecca

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Gift Ideas: Personalized Jewelry

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned in the past that I'm a huge fan of personalized gifts. My sister gave me a necklace with Fleur's name on it when she was born and I will forever cherish it. Did your friend just have a baby, your wife, your sister? I think getting them a silhouette charm or a personalized pendant is such a nice gift!!! A few of my favorites are below. The tiny brass silhouette necklace is next on my list! Happy shopping! 

xoxo - Rebecca

Friday, December 2, 2016

I Fancy Friday v. 58

Friday! Yay! I've been in the States for the past two weeks visiting my family in between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It has been a big break from the hustle and bustle of London and baby Fleur and I are missing Mr. Beau, but it has allowed us a little time to relax a bit more. We have been taking advantage of being able to use my parents car to get around and browse around online a little more then usual while the grandparents cuddle with Fleur. Between black Friday sales and Christmas decorating projects, I have found so many things I have fancied this past week! We are off to do a little shopping with Nana and to get her picture taken with Santa today, oh my! What are you up to? Anything you fancy? 

1. White Flower Rose  - How beautiful is this bouquet! Wintery white, I'm loving it. I would love to incorporate these flowers into an arrangement for the table. 

2. Sparkly Christmas Party  - ummmmm this glittery and sparkly party is a bit of a dream night to me! Glitter all over everything!!!! This looks like a party I need to throw soon. 

3. Cheers Brooch - Very kate spade looking. Talbots is having a sale and this fun brooch is in my basket. 

4.  Babyccino Shopup London - If I was in London this weekend I would be heading to this fun baby/family shopping event. There are so many amazing boutique's attending, 20 minute family photo shoots, activities for kids, so fun! Chelsea Old Town Hall December 4th & 5th 

5. Studio DY cookies - I absolutely LOVE these cookies and the idea of making ornaments to look like them sound amazing. 

6. Grace & Thorn Christmas Wreath Class - Next week the London based florist Grace & Thorn is holding a wreath class. Even if you do not have a front door, you could create a fun wreath for your living room wall. Sign up on the link above. 

7. Dinner in an Igloo by the Thames. This place is looking really fun for a night out! 

8. Sugar Paper Target  - I've got a little bit of an obsession with this new line at Tarjay. Since I've been back in the States I think I have stopped by for some blush and gold metallic items at least four times..... why can't they sell this in London! So in love. 

HAPPY FRIDAY! xoxo Rebecca

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Lessons of Being a New Mum

I want to start this post by saying I am in NO means an expert on babies and being a mom. I am 11 weeks into having little Fleur in our lives and I truly believe that every day brings a new lesson on being a mom, every day brings something different. I have learned quickly that there is not a manual on being the perfect mom. Perfect? What is perfect really when raising a little baby? Does someone have that manual being printed soon? ha! 

I do think I have learned a few things over the past few weeks about life with a new baby and being a first time mom. Lots of people ask me often how my labor was, how am I doing with sleep, am I finding time for myself, etc. I am not always great on taking my own advice but am truly trying every day to get better at it in my new role as a mum and thought I would share the few lessons I have learned.
 Be Ready To Go Off Your Plan 
I spent a lot of time staying healthy and exercising throughout my pregnancy. I had all intentions to have Fleur naturally and had spent a lot of time mentally and physically preparing for her birth, I had a plan. Well, our little lady didn't want to come out and I ended up experiencing every step of labor. I was induced,  I had contractions for hours and was fully dilated, I pushed for two hours and after three days in the hospital the doctors decided I needed to have an emergency c-section and was whisked into the emergency room {or as they call it in London, theatre}. Our baby Fleur arrived 15 minutes later after three days of sleepless tiring nights, this was certainly not my plan. I did not expect to have a c-section, but really just wanted what was good for me and the baby, so prepare yourself for that a bit. The idea of my water breaking at home, calling a taxi and having the baby two hours later did not happen for me like in the movies and I'm fine with that. Prepare yourself a bit for the other options of what may happen, I wished I had mentally considered if I had to have a c-section. 

Not only is the labor process something that I may not have expected as much but also just the day to day life with a newborn is something you may not be prepared for. As a professional planner, planning events and constantly living on a schedule, life with a newborn and trying to create a plan and schedule for her was something I struggled to accept at first may not happen! Babies eat, sleep, poop, cry, giggle and sleep and eat throughout their day. The first few weeks were really hard to realize that this was not a plan I could control. We had friends stop by to visit at what I thought was a good time and Fleur wouldn't stop crying, that wasn't the plan, but I realized that it was what it was and now 11 weeks in,  I realize that every day. You can start to plan for the day but don't be surprised if as you are running out the door you need to change their extremely messy diaper which takes twenty minutes longer then you planned or they are crying and so hungry and it makes you late to your appointment you had planned. Life in the early weeks of baby life really go according to their little schedule of what they have planned....too bad they can't verbally share it with us;) 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Hostess Pantry Essentials

Recently we have had a lot of friends stopping by the flat to meet little Fleur and I love it. You know that I LOVE to entertain, but having a newborn has changed my time quite a lot. I haven't exactly had time to be baking cookies and decorating the flat during the day, ummm no. The first time we had guests I had absolutely nothing to offer, no coffee, no cookies, no wine, nothing. Actually, I think our friends brought me something to eat. Hey, I am a new mom and its a bit hectic around the house so it is totally understandable. Last weekend we were out at fancy Fortnum & Mason  and I told Mr. Beau that I was going to buy a few treats to always keep around for guests, we were not to open them ourselves! Chocolates, special cookies, a pretty serving tray, some bubbly, teas, coffee and some fancy crackers are now stocked in my pantry for whenever a visitor stops by. Entertaining hostess pantry essentials I will call them. You never know when you will have a visitor stop in to say hi and its always nice to have a treat, right! 

1. Lindt Chocolates - I love a little square of these salted chocolates that are inexpensive and easily found at the grocery store. 

2. Afternoon Blend Tea & Laduree Coffee - Forget your every day Starbucks filter coffee, why not got a little something special for when you have friends stop by! 

3. Fortnum & Mason Dark Chocolate Pearl Biscuits & Stroopwafels - Lets be honest, I don't have time to be baking cookies with a two month old at home. Splurge a bit and get some pricey little cookies. We also always have some Dutch stroopwafels around, set atop a cup of coffee they get all warm and delicious and WHO doesn't like these! 

4. Prosecco & Apple Presse - Nothing to fancy and crazy expensive but something you can always have on hand. Also, stock up on something sparkly and non alcoholic for those guests who are expecting or well, just don't feel well! Also, keep some cute Cocktail Napkins on hand, simple but makes a drink feel so much more special with a cute napkin. 

5. Fun Additions - Truffle Honey sprinkled on goat cheese is my favorite and always feels a bit fancy. Forget boring old crackers, keep some special ones on hand like my favorites Toast for Cheese and lastly invest in a stylish and nice platter. I am loving marble right now so this one is perfect Round Marble Tray Oliver Bonas 

Happy Entertaining! 

xoxo Rebecca

Monday, October 3, 2016


Introducing my precious little daughter, Fleur Hendrika Kobus. Born on Tuesday, 13th of September. 
It still is a bit surreal for me to type, my daughter:) I've been quiet over here these past few weeks because this little lady has been taking up my time. I won't complain, as you can see from above, how can you complain when you see this adorable little smile! Fleur's birth story is for another day, lets just say she took her good old time arriving to the world. Me and Mr. Beau are SO grateful to have had family here visiting and to help us out when she arrived. We have been getting adjusted as our little family of four {#siroliveruk included!} and am just trying to find a bit of routine back in my day. Little Fleur has forever changed our life and all in good ways. 

I will be sharing more of our precious little Fleur later, but I wanted to introduce you to her. She makes us smile and lights up our day, even though we are exhausted and tired and not getting much sleep, I now believe what people say about loving this little person so much you can't believe it. 

Thank you to everyone for your sweet congratulations and wishes these past few weeks! 

xoxo Rebecca

Friday, September 9, 2016

I Fancy Friday v. 57

It is FRIDAY! I am writing this post way past my due date now and feel like I have been waiting for a bit now. So I am excited to see this Friday come and the weekend because I am hoping that #babygirlkobus will be making her appearance any day now. It is such a nervous but exciting time. I have no idea when she will come so I am just going amongst my day. Hopefully next week I can report to you that my Fancy Friday is one thing, our little lady! For now, I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite things I have found during the week that I keep my mind off of everything;)  Enjoy the weekend! 

1. Stylist LIVE  - With baby on the way I am starting to look a couple of months out in my diary, things to do and making plans. This event looks like SUCH a fun day out! Who is with me and wants to go? Pop up shops, tastings, talks by some FAB ladies, lets go! 

2. Rocky Racoon  - Ok so I am kind of loving everything this brand makes! I discovered it on Etsy and can not get over how cute the pink dinosaur pattern is and the flamingos, ohhh right and the swans. eeekk. Love it! I may have bought #babygirlkobus a few things from here. Apparel Swan Onesie

3. Belmond British Pullman Train - I know that Mr. Beau and I will have limited date nights coming up these next few months, but how about one being an ULTIMATE date night. How amazing does dinner on this gorgeous train look? This looks like a night to remember! Sister train to the Venice Simplon - Orient - Express, this train looks like it would make one NIGHT TO REMEMBER date night. Hey, I can dream and wish right! 

4. Champagne Ice Cubes - Such an easy thing to make. I will certainly be adding these to my next get together. 

5. Thinking of jazzing up my fall wardrobe and really loving this LC Lauren Conrad Runway Collection Sequin Floral Crop Jacket So pretty I think to be dressed up or paired with jeans. 

6. I am in the middle of growing out my hair and a swept back messy bun is my go to some days. I love this Loose Low Bun tutorial. 

7. Pregnancy craving I have had, toast. Yummy toasted bread. Recently I have been wanting a good old English Muffin. I loved reading this, that the English Muffin actually isn't English at ALL. Fun little read. Now can someone ship me some Thomas brand nooks and crannies. 

8. This needs to make it into my Fall wardrobe as well. A fancy dressed up sweatshirt. NEXT Embellished Elbow Sweatshirt

9. What a pretty get together this is! And how yummy does this wine look. The Wildest Dream Wines girls get together inspires me for #babygirlkobus 1st birthday, and she is not even here yet! 

Happy weekend everyone! xoxo Rebecca


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

My Top 3 Local Coffee Shops : London, Highbury & Islington

 Since we moved from the States, almost four years ago,we have lived in the same area of North London from day one. This area of the city has really become to feel like home to us. Our old flat was directly on the nice big park of Highbury Fields and recently we moved about five minutes up the street closer to Highbury High Street. All of Highbury and Islington have some really amazing coffee shops and cafes but over the past few months I have started to favor many of the same ones and have become a repeat customer at a few. Maybe it is that I started my maternity leave a month ago and enjoy ending a long walk with Oliver to get a coffee or the fact that it is nice to get out of the house when you are blogging/working to sit in a coffee shop, either way, I have a few local favorites. Here are my three local London favorite coffee shops in the area. I hope you get a chance to visit! 

Only a few minutes walk from the Highbury/Islington Tube Stop, this small and amazing coffee shop is always busy on weekdays and weekends. The staff is super sweet and always makes you feel welcome. Even Sir Oliver is allowed inside {when on his best behavior} and sometimes gets a treat of banana bread. When we first moved here I would just get a coffee in the morning, until this past year when I discovered that their breakfast and brunch are AMAZING! Oh wow. It may be small, but this little coffee house has some delicious and beautiful items. From their homemade scones to the their pancakes on the weekend, delicious. 
 Bircher Muesli is amazing and so beautiful! 
The Gluten Free porridge is pretty much art, right?

Location: 154 Canonbury Road, London N1 2UP
Hours: M/F 7:30am - 6:00pm and Sat/Sun 9:00am-6:00pm 
Free Wifi : Yes
Dog Friendly: Yes, but always ask incase it is too busy
Instagram: maisondetrecafe

A short walk from the tube on St. Paul's Road, mixed in with a bunch of great restaurants {Trullo, LeCoq, Sawyer & Grey} is this little blast back into a 1970's cafe, Nanna's. Sets of vintage brown sofas, fringed lamps and furniture that remind me of the items my Grampie had in his house, Nanna's is a funky place for a coffee in the area. I love their freshly squeezed juices and pastries personally. Nanna's is also open for dinner but I have yet to try it out, however, their menus looks delicious. 

Toast. Toast. Toast. I have had a thing with yummy thick toast and jam during my pregnancy. Just can't get enough! Toast and a fresh juice are one of my favorites at this coffee shop. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

My New Beauty Loves

It may come as no surprise to you that I absolutely love a good beauty product. Finding that new favorite product that you can't wait to use every day and can not imagine your routine without is great right! Or buying a new lipstick and feeling so fancy and like a brand new person is the best. Over the last few weeks I have found some products that I am absolutely loving and wanted to share with you. I love hearing suggestions from others on what they have found or have started using again and love it, so share please! 

1. H&M Cashmere Haze Body Lotion - Ok, lets be honest, I'm a sucker for packaging. The beauty section at the H&M on Oxford Circus is pretty great. The pacakging on all of their lotions are so pretty and completely caught my attention. It was the Cashmere Haze scent that I really loved at the end of testing out so many. Cashmere Haze is light and not overpowering and leaves a light pretty fragrance behind. 

2. Liz Earle Face Cleanse and Polish - I really liked my other face cleanser I was using but ran out of it and I couldn't buy it anywhere close by so after hearing about this one for so long, I decided to give it a try myself. I have been using it for about two months now, hot water and a cloth and I love that it takes away my makeup and makes my skin feel completely clean. I can see why it has such a huge following. Also, I love that it isn't crazy expensive, bonus. 

3. Redken Quick Tease Backcombing Lift Finishing Spray - Yep, I'm a hair spray girl. From when I was a teenage sporting the Rachel cut, still to this day, I finish my do off with a little spray. I actually received this spray in a gift bag at an event and hadn't used it for ages. Once I started using it I was like, ummm hello, you are great! If you look for a little lift in your roots and also want to finish and hold your hair, this is a great spray to use, highly recommended. 

4. Charlotte Tilbury Full Fat Lashes  - I have long been a fan of waterproof mascara and do still mix it in to my routine, however, recently I have found that I spend forever taking it off. Enter in, this lovely new mascara! I was getting my makeup done at the counter {HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!} and they tried this out on me. I love it because it doesn't flake off, I do not have huge raccoon eyes a few hours later and it comes off easily. Its a really nice full filling mascara. 

5. Essie Gel Couture - I wrote about this last week but wanted to share AGAIN because I loved it. I gave myself a quick manicure and this polish didn't chip for over a week. I can completely see myself using this as a new mom, not a lot of time and I do not need to leave the house. They have a huge range of colors and it really does stay on, I promise. Give it a try! 

6. Bumble & Bumble Don't Blow It - This is my latest love. I just started using it and it is great. I do love to blow dry my hair but am realistic with the baby arriving any day, my routine is going to be cut down on time. Some leave in products make your hair crunchy or still a bit frizzy, not this one. I combed this through my hair, twisted a few pieces around my finger and it made my hair soft and let it air dry without using my hair dryer or curling iron. 

Have you found any good products recently? I would love to know!

xoxo Becca


Friday, September 2, 2016

Happy Hour: The Summer Garden Spritzer

 I have to be honest, I miss having a nice cocktail when we go out or as the sun has been shining recently, sitting outside with a nice glass of Rose! But hey, soon enough I will be celebrating with little Lady Kobus and will be able to treat myself to a glass of bubbly, so I will not complain...too much. Over the past nine months I have been mixing up a few mocktails to still feel a bit fancy and have favoured citrusy drinks, elderflower and refreshing cucumber flavours. This past weekend I thought, why not combine all of these flavours and make myself a little end of Summer Spritzer! With flavours from a delicious summer garden, I think that the end combination is refreshing and delicious pregnant or not. Cucumbers, basil, mint, elderflower and lemonade all combined voila, delicious. Top it with a pretty garnish or umbrella and you do not feel like you are missing out too much on a cocktail, or add some gin if you are not pregnant and I bet that would be amazing. Cheers! 
The Summer Garden Spritzer

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Serves: 1 mocktail 

10 slices of cucumbers {7 to muddle, 3 for garnish}
3 sprigs of fresh mint
3 sprigs of fresh basil
2 tablespoons of Elderflower Cordial {I love the Belvoir range, a huge staple here in the UK}

Muddle 7 cucumbers, mint leaves, basil leaves and elderflower syrup in glass together
Add ice to your liking, crushed, cubed, balls, etc. 
Top with Limonata
Add extra cucumber slices as garnish and enjoy! 

If you liked this post you may like the:  Key Lime Grapefruit Martini, Champagne Pear Cocktail or Rhubarb Lime Popsicle Fizz

Cheers! xoxo Rebecca

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Dressing Up The Bump

There were a few times over the last nine months where I had events to attend and just felt like nothing fit....maybe because nothing did! Seven months pregnant and limited options in your closet but you want to look pretty, it isn't easy. I felt like I got to a point in my pregnancy where I was spending so much money on baby stuff that the thought of me spending over £100 for a dress I'd wear once made me angry. Luckily, I do feel that the maternity dress options have come along way since years ago and it was a bit easier to find something that was cute and stylish and I didn't break the bank a crazy amount. I did invest in a nice black tank dress early on during my pregnancy and wished I had bought a few more things from Isabella Oliver because they wore so well. I will write a post at a later time with some of my maternity wardrobe essentials, but today I wanted to share some pretty dresses to wear during your pregnancy if you are attending a wedding, your baby shower, a date night or just want to dress up and feel fabulous. From ASOS, Seraphine, Rachel Pally, searches on Ebay, Pink Blush Maternity and Nordstrom, luckily there are some pretty cute options out there to still make you look and feel fab while you have a growing bump you need to dress.   
1. ASOS Maternity Dress with Floral | 2. Kim & Kai Nell Colorblock Dress | 3. Bodycon Twist ASOS dress | 4. Seraphine Polka Dot Dress | 5. Isabella Oliver Brunswick Maternity  | 6. 

We decided to take some maternity photos after going back and forth a few times and I am so glad that we did. It was such a nice afternoon together and it was fun to get dressed up and celebrate the soon to be arrival of our baby girl. I had found a dress on ASOS that I knew would be perfect for the shoot, but unfortunately the color and size sold out. I didn't want to wear anything short and being eight months pregnant made me want to feel comfortable and not have to wear anything tight. After searching on Ebay for awhile I ended up finding and winning the same sequin dress I loved. I highly recommend looking at Ebay! There are a lot of women out there that buy a pretty dress during their pregnancy, wear it once and want to sell it. Take a search for that special occasion. 

{image by Kylee Yee Photography. More to come soon!} 
{photo from my baby shower via Instagram

My flower dress above I bought on ASOS for less then £20 and wore it to a wedding as well! The dress was stretchy so it was super comfortable to wear for hours over my bump. 

It is isn't easy to be dressing this new body of yours that doesn't fit into the majority of your closet, however after a few months I got use to it and looking for maternity clothes was quite fun. There are not as many options out there as your regular closet but there ARE pretty options out there for ladies with a bump. I hope you like some of my suggestions! 


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Friday, August 26, 2016

I Fancy Friday v. 56

Friday Friday! Wow, I can't believe this Friday has come so quickly. Yep, my due date is this Sunday, so to me it is a questionable Friday, will I have a baby by next Friday or not? The waiting game has begun and every day I think, OK, she could be here soon! I've been keeping pretty busy, taking #siroliveruk on plenty of sunny walks, fixing up the nursery, getting our flat in shape and meeting up with friends. I am excited for the three day weekend in London to have Mr. Beau at home and to relax and watch a lot of Netflix and stay cool inside. Throughout the week I have found a lot of goodies that I have fancied and wanted to share with you. Any exciting plans for you this weekend? Do share! Happy Friday! I hope you have a fancy and fabulous weekend. xoxo Becca

1. Gorgeous Pink Bouquet on Wedding Sparrow oh how I LOVE an overflowing gorgeous bouquet. Isn't this pink one so so pretty. Getting itchy to plan my next flower filled event! 

2. Not much longer until I can make myself a cocktail. These Summer Cocktails look delicious and I may try out one as a virgin recipe this weekend. The cucumber one sounds pretty amazing. 

3. Have you tried this gel at home polish? I was skeptical but am now LOVING it! I chose Essie Gel Couture Fairy Tailor and have had it on my nails for over a week with no chipping. It is really quick easy and only £12! 

4. I am excited to head to Clipstone Restaurant tomorrow for Saturday brunch. Such a great new London spot. I've been for dinner and its really delicious. A small neighborhood corner spot close to Warren Street. Highly recommended! I'm craving their Watermelon Iced Tea and their flatbreads. 

5. I love finding new recipes! I made this amazing Apple & Almond Bircher Muesli and had it three times for breakfast this week. It is truly delicious! Also this Coconut Soda looks amazingly simple and beautiful, need to try. 

6. Guilty pleasure of mine...James Corden Carpool Karaoke! This new episode of James Cordon & Britney Spears is fantastic, I was laughing out loud during this scene of hit me baby one more time! Lunch break worthy pick me up! 

7. So I tried this pretty lip out yesterday and kind of loved it. Gold Metallic Lip  is easy and shimmery and makes you feel a little fairy like;) 

8. I have started putting together a little Fall Wardrobe Wish List since I've been wearing maternity clothes for 9 months, I'm excited for a few NEW pieces. My eye keeps going to this cute Zara Pink Leather Jacket to layer over leggings and long shirts. What do you think? 

Happy Friday everyone!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Waffle Ice Cream Sandwiches

I truly feel that I have been pretty good and healthy during my pregnancy. I am still heading to yoga, working out at home and eating big salads. OK, I have indulged in some of London's yummiest treats {check out my Instagram account for trips to Sketch for tea, DumDum Doughnuts and Blu Top Ice Cream to name a few!} but all in all I think on a day to day basis I have been pretty good. The one treat that me and Mr. Beau have done weekly during my pregnancy is to make a Sunday night visit to our local ice cream shop, Udderlicious. I have always been a HUGE ice cream fan and there is something about it that just makes you happy, right? So recently during a trip to IKEA when I spotted these cute heart shaped waffles I couldn't stop thinking about what to do with them. Then it dawned on me to mix the cuteness with the deliciousness of ice cream. Easy and perfect for a party or just a night in. Homemade waffle ice cream sandwiches are AMAZING and my new favorite love. See below for my tips on creating a perfect waffle icewich ;) 
I used the heart shaped frozen IKEA waffles because they were super cute, but you can use any flavor or shape you want from the grocery freezer section. Next is to select an amazing delicious and special selection of ice creams. I didn't want to go with regular vanilla, chocolate and strawberry, oh no, I wanted fun flavors. If I were having guests over for dinner I would put all the tubs on a table and let guests make them on their own. I think most guests would be pretty pleased with Espresso Biscotti instead of
 I chose my favorites: Udderlicious Espresso Biscotti, Jude's Salted Caramel and my newest discovery of Ice Cream Union Cornflake, ummm Yum! 
 Once you select the ice creams you need some toppings right! I went with a mix of interesting and basic. Fresh strawberries, chocolate chips, potato chips, sprinkles and Lucky Charms marshmallows. You could add some sauces if you wanted to get really crazy. 
This ice cream is amazing. It tastes like the milk in your cereal bowl after eating delicious cornflakes, sweet and tasty. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Events in London: John Lewis Rooftop Etsy Takeover

Plans for the Bank Holiday weekend? I may be due with the little lady on Sunday, but if she hasn't arrived on Thursday, I'm planning on heading out to John Lewis for a little Etsy shopping party! Yep, that is right, 9 months pregnant and I'm getting out of the flat for a little fun on the rooftop of John Lewis at the Gardening Society with the fabulous Etsy. 
I would love to see you there! Details are below: 
Where: The Rooftop of John Lewis at the Gardening Society 
Thursday, 25th of August OPENING PARTY, 6pm to 8pm
26th-29th August 2016
Friday/Saturday: 12pm - 8pm
Sunday/Monday: 12pm - 6pm

How to RSVP: Head over to Facebook to RSVP and get yourself a complimentary cocktail.

Who Will Be Selling: 

Monday, August 22, 2016

A Personalized Gift

I have a thing with personalized gifts. Monogrammed presents for newly married friends, birthday presents with friends initials on them, anniversary and engagement gifts with names on them and especially recently, gifts with a little ones name on it. Isn't there something so sweet and special about receiving a gift that is custom to you! It is such a lovely little surprise. Recently I discovered some of these goodies over on the fabulous site Uncommon Goods where they have a huge range of personalized items created by artists all over the world. From personalized books, jewelry, maps, prints and so many other options, I wanted to share a few of my favorites from Uncommon Goods.  

Baby Gifts 

1. How amazing is this Coat of Arms that you can personalize the zodiac sign, weight, date of birth, parents. It is truly a sweet keepsake and I would love to hang this up in the nursery. 

2. My Alphabet Book is beautiful. Your child's name gets incorporated into the alphabet and it is illustrated beautifully. 

3. This personalized Baby Pillow is adorable, right? The name of the baby and the birth date is sewn on and would make a perfect gift for new parents. 

4. I think this Astrology Locket would be such a beautiful gift for a new mom. Her baby's astrology sign outside with a photo of her little one inside would be a timeless keepsake.

5. Since American football is starting up again, what a better time then to give the sports fans parents a personalized football jersey onesie! Too cute! 

6. Even though I have hundreds of photos on my phone and we Instagram and Facebook daily, with a new baby's arrival I think there is something nice about printing out actual photos. How about printing out photos of the baby for new parents and tucking them all in a personalized baby photo album. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Little Lady K's Nursery

Lots of people have asked me recently about the theme of the nursery. Is it going to be gold pineapple decor? Will the nursery be covered in gold glitter and sparkles? Is it going to have unicorns all over? So most of those are no, no, no. I have been gathering ideas over on Pinterest for months now, but since we moved in mid June, I really didn't start planning the nursery in detail until more recently. I knew I always wanted a pink palette, a mix of blush gold and grey {funny how it is so similar to our wedding colors!} and nothing to crazy theme over the top like. We live in a two bedroom flat in London that we rent so I couldn't go crazy and redecorate everything but I have been able to add little bits of girliness with pretty splashes of an all over pretty and stylish pink theme. I can't wait for it to all come together and to share it with everyone in a couple of months once she arrives and it is all fixed up! 

1. A place to nurse and read and cuddle - I've been really torn on getting a glider or a rocking chair. It is still one item I haven't 100% decided on. The nursery isn't a huge room and I worry it will take up quite a lot of space. Not only is it the space but it is also the cost. Most of the gliders are £900 and up and it is such an investment. However, so many of my girlfriends rave about having a glider in their room and even when their kids are three and up they are still using it. Their are a lot of US brands I love, but that really isn't an option. I was excited to find this amazing brand Olli Ella  that is local and makes some stylish gliders that can transition into a pretty piece of furniture. Either the glider or a small rocking chair???? Either one paired with the adorable pink table from West Elm that will be stacked with these amazing books I've received as gifts may be an option. Now I just need to decide very very soon. Olli Ella Mo Ma Glider |  West Elm Martini Two Sided Blush Table  | Frida Book  | Coco Book | Just Being Audrey

2. Prints for the room - The nursery has an adorable little mantle in the space and I am putting together a gallery wall above. I've spent time picking out a mix of local ladies artwork that I totally admire and can't wait to see it all come together. I have a mix from BerinMade Ever After Press Print and Emma Block Illustration Prints . I want to display them all in a mix of these pretty West Elm Polished Brass Frames mixed in with this cute H&M Mirror

3. The Changing Table - There are so many changing tables out there that are huge expensive pieces of furniture that after a couple of years I do not think we will ever use again. I decided to get a small piece from IKEA and add a changing pad on top. With a sweet little swan lamp and a quick change of the knobs from basic to bows, the table will be simple, sweet and practical. Land Of Nod Bow Knobs | Laura Ashley Swan Lamp | IKEA Tyssedal Dresser 

4. Small Additions for the Room and Storage - Even though the room may be small, babies still come with a lot of STUFF and I need a place to store them. I found these baskets with just enough bit of sparkle that will be perfect for under the crib and these adorable pink shelves to display a few decorations and books. I can not wait to play with the little lady on the sheepskin rug because it is so soft and for sure will be sharing photos with you! Metallic Woven Console Basket  | Land Of Nod Shelf | Oyster Grey Sheepskin Rug

5. The Crib -We went back and forth quite a lot about a crib. We looked at very expensive ones, little ones, big ones, colored ones, white ones and at the end of the day settled on a very simple, inexpensive crib from IKEA. We splurged when it came to the mattress and bought an organic mattress from Little Green Sheep. Along with the crib and the mattress this should be able to fit her for a few years. When she comes back from the hospital she will be sleeping in her Uppababy Cot in our room. So for days when she is not in the crib, I will be decorating with these gorgeous pillows and then adding them to the sofa/pull out bed we have in the room for guests. I decided on a simple bedding from Pottery Barn Kids which I am totally in love with and this gorgeous blanket that I think will be perfect for a little tummy time as she grows. West Elm Mongolian Lamb Pillow   |  West Elm Velvet Lustre Pillow | The Emily & Meritt Organic Pink Heart Crib Fitted Sheet   | Cam Cam Baby Quilt   |  IKEA Crib Sundvik

So that's it. That is the plan for little lady K's nursery. What do you think? Glider vs. less expensive rocker? Any stores you love for more prints? I can't wait to put it all together! And I can't wait for her to see it! 

xoxo Becca

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