This weekend me and my girlfriends were suppose to be heading to Vermont to celebrate one of our besties soon to be baby boy! Well sometimes surprises happen:) One week ago we received a text message from Brandi, "Surprise! baby boy arrived 6 1/2 weeks early this morning!". Yes, baby boy arrived early! So, this post is dedicated to Samuel Eli Thomas, one week old. If I were closer I would bake you a pretty blue cake and bring it the hospital, celebrate wearing a party hat and sing Happy One Week Birthday!
My friend Brandi, well she is a to do list planner type of girl {yep, kind of like me!} and with the crib not even put together, the nursery not decorated, the many baby gifts not put away, the hospital bag not packed, she delivered a baby boy and we couldn't be more happy for her. As she said, "we've learned that having a baby is really incredible in its simplicity. The little guy was sure excited to get here and meet us and we are soaking up every moment with him."
To the sweetest family I know, congratulations, happy one week birthday Sam! We are sending you love our way!
xoxo~ Auntie Becca
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