OK, so I know it has been a few weeks since I have posted about planning our wedding. I get numerous emails asking about any other wedding venues, have I found the dress, what is the date and many other questions. OK, yes, it is a bit funny that we do not have much planned being this is what I do, we have been engaged since September, you would think we had some of that....nope. Oh well, it is OK! We have been busy, working, moving, visa stuff, friends, just life, the wedding is on the top of the list and now we need to start making some decisions. One of the big things on the TOP of our list is Photography! It is no shock that I LOVE beautiful wedding photography, I seem to tweet about, Facebook it and Pin it a lot. Being a
wedding blogger I spend a lot of time browsing through wedding sites and photographers blogs editing and admiring their work. So here we go....long wedding post ahead!

I get sad when I hear couples say that they hired someone because it was a good "deal". My first thought is, well do they have beautiful photos? A deal, like a bargain, 2 for 1 deal? Their friend? Their hairdresser, eeekkk. The pictures! The photos of your wedding day are something you will have for the rest of your life! After all the flowers are way long gone, the dress is in a box, the cake has been eaten at the one year anniversary, the photos will be there to remind you of your amazing most memorable day forever. You will have these photos in an album to show your children, your grandchildren. The pictures will be there for you and your husband to look at and see the little memories you have may missed throughout the day and remind you of that important day for the rest of your life.
A few things that are important for us when we have talked about our wedding photographer:
1. They are fun, have a great personality and make both of us feel comfortable and natural.
2. They shoot film.
3. They are natural. I want them to naturally capture the details of the day without too much posing.
I am shocked how calm I have been with the process so far...June 2014....that's fine! Well it wasn't until today when I met the adorable sweet
Aneta Mak and she mentioned she is almost fully booked for June 2014 that I got a little panicky. Oh my! Really! OK, time to get my game on and make decisions. Book a beautiful photographer from our new hometown, London or fly in one of the many talented Floridian ladies I love, I know and I adore their work. Decisions. Decisions. Selecting ONE photographer is not easy, can't I have like 10? hahaha, OK now, I am no Kate Middleton with royalty at the wedding....hahahaha, no. I would be happy with any of the ladies, but making a decision, not easy. Engagement pics, second shooting, portraits, albums and getting to know them and making our day feel fantastic, which one???

My Florida Ladies: I fell in love with
Jessica Lorren's work early on when moving to Florida and got to know her throughout the two years living there and first off, she makes beautiful work and she is a beautiful person. Super sweet and I feel like she might make me feel like a princess bride on the day, hahaha. Her images are dreamy and romantic and I am in love. Then there is
Kat Braman who is just cool and amazing! After working with her on a shoot for
Floridian Weddings I realized just how fantastic she is. Not only are her portraits awesome, I have this thing with Kat's creative way of capturing the smallest moment on the dance floor or the shot from above the ceremony just makes me love her. Jess and Kat often work together second shooting to.......hhmmm both of them? And let's discuss
Michelle March . I have been lucky to work with Michelle on a
few projects over the past year AND been treated to have her shoot Beau and I
here and
here. Michelle is a sweetheart and has become a great friend. She loves the little details and loves the pretty. Do I have her as a guest, a photographer? Oh my!

The London ladies! I do a little researching, blog reading...research. I may be newer to this country but I am sure you can imagine I have been looking at London photographers for awhile now!
Aneta Mak, she is awesome, but unfortunately she isn't available, I can still dream. Talking to Aneta and hearing her excitement about shooting in film made me excited! I got introduced to
Catherine Mead through
Jillian and instantly loved her...and her love of Kate Spade shoes;) Catherine is always capturing her amazing travels and has a pretty fantastic portfolio of beautiful destination weddings and gorgeous English countryside weddings, a bit of everything.
Honestly, I am not exactly positive when I discovered Polly, however, yep, I love her work. Not only is her work gorgeous but it is the way she writes about her life, her husband, her love of photography, le sigh. Polly shoots on film and well, I can't say more, her work is beautiful and I would love her there as well. Like the dress {yes I found one! Yes, I think its a bit over my budget} that I can not get out of my mind, I can not get Polly's photos out of my mind.
So ladies, what do you think. It is hard. We have a budget obviously but we also want amazing photos. Wish us luck! Big decisions!
xoxo ~ Becca