3,2,1....another Happy New Year! Wow, time flies.
As one of my besties Brandi told me, "This year will be the year of Becca!".
That is right Bran. I truly hope so! This has ended up to be a year of change and I'm ready for the next decade to show up and be wonderful.
Ever year I make resolutions, I make promises to myself, I make a list and I do not think a year has gone by to accomplish all of them. That being said, I do think looking back that every year I have at least accomplished one new thing that I wanted to. Three years ago I started practicing yoga, two years ago I said was on my way to marathon #5 by 30 and I am and last year I said I would start blogging and well....here I am! So I guess one new thing a year is better then nothing! Absolutely!

~Yes, at the top of the list, lose 10 lbs. Forever on my list. ~
~Be fit! Not stick skinny but strong!~
~Save my money so I can have a nest egg, an emergency fund, money by my 30th birthday and not question where it went.~
~Drink less coffee, drink more water.~
~Go on a fabulous trip oversees. Where who knows? An adventure!~
~Visit the yoga studio twice a week.~
~Be more productive at work so I do not spend late hours at the office.~
~Have more ME days alone. It's OK to spend time alone.~
~De clutter. Get rid of a lot of items I've been dragging around since college!~
~Look at what is next for me and do it! A new job, a new place, a new city!~
~Be inspired everyday. Take a picture, live in the moment. I'm a planner yes, but I need more inspiration. I need to find my true passion and figure out where I take that! Wish me luck~
Let the 3 day count down begin to 2010!

Life is not easy.
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