The interview.
Yes, the interview on Monday went well. I had my little rental car and drove down to Miami in my ruffled shirt and blown out hair (which frizzed from the humid weather! must fix that!). For awhile I was a little lost of exactly what warehouse door lead to the office for the interview. Finally I got in touch with my contact, picked him up and drove to Starbucks. After almost a 3 hour meeting I think it went well. The company seems exciting, young, growing. The food seems interesting and it looks like they have a nice clientele they are growing. We ended it that they would contact me this week. Good thing!
When I drove away it wasn't the feeling I had before. That exciting anxious, can't wait for them to call feeling. The feeling I had was questionable. Was this what I wanted? What is it that I want? I am not sure of that answer. Recently I think my dream is too some day have my own boutique planning business: brides, corporate dinners, intimate beautiful affairs. I use to question that. It's a lot of work! My wonderful older sister is amazingly successful with her own design firm and my Dad had his private practice for year. Maybe these are reasons that I am realizing I'm not loving the big corporate world. It's tough, there are ups and downs. Big companies have structure, benefits, paid time off. Small companies have flexibility, more room to have your ideas heard, a feeling that you are making a difference. So it was hard when I left the interview and wasn't sure.
I asked myself what it is I'm looking for and I couldn't answer it. Do I really want to move down and make this big change in my life to be with Beau, a new area, a new change and be working 24/7 on something I may not be passionate about....I'm not sure. I'm moving so I can do something difference, be with my love after 4 years apart, see how life will be. So right now I'm taking some time to search. To search in myself of what will make me happy. I don't want to settle. Some days I wish I could afford to go to Pastry school for 3 months, think a little, learn a lot and start at it again. Working full time and searching full time is not easy. I guess the pastry gig could be an option!
Oh my, the working girl world. Wish me luck! There are for sure some amazing big companies out there and I'm looking. The economy is a little tough, but I have faith that it is turning around and people will once again want to plan an amazing event!
Wish me luck with the job hunt and with the career hunt. I'm looking for something to move to and I'm looking for what it is too make me happy. I know it is a long hunt, but in time I know it will come!
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