OK, it is a guilty pleasure of mine, The Rachel Zoe Project. Monday, it's back! Bravo, 10pm. The stylist to the stars is crazy to watch. This pixie like woman with big hair and tons of jewelry, an addiction to Starbucks and fabulous clothes. How can you not love it! The fact that her assistant Taylor gets paid to organize thousands of dollars of designer dresses and sort through ridiculous accessories, and complain, is beyond me. I love it. Every thing about Rachel is well "bananas"! Maybe I will start using that phrase. I have been following her on Twitter and am even more excited to start watching the new season.
Check out Rachel's latest interview in her studio. The place is amazing, the rows of shoes, a dream!!!!! The picture above is a shoot from W magazine of Rachel laying on the floor in the center of the shoes. Sigh, I dream of a big closet I can lay in.
dreaming of a new fall wardrobe~ xoxo~ Becca
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