Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My blooming DREAM wardrobe

These past few months I have been itching to add some new things to my wardrobe. I may be jinxing us, but hopefully the winter weather is on its way out and Springtime is arriving soooooon, please! Either way, I feel like it is spring because so many of the items I am dying to add to my closet are full of pretty blooming flowers. From cute shoes to floral print dresses, adding a little flower print anytime of the year, is bound to make you happy! Happy Shopping! xoxo 

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Monday, March 30, 2015

Life: Non Negotiables

Non Negotiables. You are thinking, huh? Well I thought I would write a little personal post today to get away from event planning, wedding, fashion, etc. posts for the day. Recently life has been busy. Yes, I know I mention it often and we all seem to live very busy lives; we have partners, kids, full time jobs, part time jobs, other projects, etc. Once and I awhile I have a wee bit of a breakdown to Mr. Beau about just how much there is to do and how I just need a little more time. The other day I remembered a blog post I read somewhere {I have searched and searched and can not find it!!!} about creating non negotiables in your life. Things that no matter how busy you are, just can not get put to the back. Life is busy and I have realized, you know what, it isn't slowing down. But I have realized also that some things can wait an hour, a day, etc. to make time for the things that I just will not put off in my life…
Time with Mr. Beau {aka, my husband!} and Sir Oliver. I have photo shoots I am planning on the weekend, dates with friends, etc. however no matter what, walks in the park, dinner out and dates with these two I am not pushing to the back. The blog post can wait,but the beautiful Sunday afternoon spent with them can not. 
Time with friends and family. I may live thousands of miles away from my friends and sisters in the States, however, any chance I get with them there or my friends here, I will take! Recently I am taking more time to myself at nights, however a scheduled girlfriend date scheduled in the calendar over the month is something to look forward to. I've scheduled in Monday nights for myself and won't make a date then, but I know that meeting up with my friends always makes me a happier Rebecca! Now I just need to schedule it in a bit more but it is still important in my book.

Friday, March 27, 2015

I Fancy Friday v. 44

Oh my, a HUGE TGIF today! Thank goodness is right! I'm exhausted and feeling a bit run down today. I woke up so tired that I couldn't event bring myself to get out on a run, my legs just didn't want to move. The weekend ahead is full of some free time and I can not wait! I'm in much need of some downtime with Sir Oliver and Mr. Beau and am truly looking forward to it. There has been so much going on right now that a weekend without 101 plans sounds like a treat. I need a little time to make some lists, reflect on some things going on with me professionally and create some things for some upcoming projects. YAY for Friday! I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Let me leave you now with a bit of fancy from the week! xoxo Becca
1. Deco Dot Midi Skirt - Anthrolpologie  - I think I may treat myself to some afterwork shopping today. I've had my eye on this amazing skirt, how can you NOT love the dots! 

2. Bob Bob Ricard - Ring the bell for champagne! Yipppeee! After almost 40 days of not eating meat, I have made a reservation for Mr. Beau and I to eat fancy burgers and drink champagne. I've been dying to get here! 

3. Coconut Collaborative Raspberry Snow Coconut Frozen Yoghurt - OMG! This stuff is amazing. Delicious and dairy free. Seriously, you must buy some today. 

4. Swing Dress in Scuba - I'm thinking about purchasing this more an upcoming hen do weekend I'm attending. It looks comfy, cute and affordable. I love a little ruffle and a one shoulder!

5. Yellow Pineapple Lamp - I can't take my eye off of this lamp. How amazing would this be at my desk, I mean really, adorable. 

6. Class Pass - HAVE YOU HEARD of this amazing concept?!?! It just arrive in London and I can't wait to try it out. I'm trying out a month long membership after Easter and I'm psyched. You can attend classes all over the city at some of the best workouts, but only 3 times a month, but that is great no! Check it out. I'll have more details next week.

7. Daylesford Chocolate Eggs - Not only did I give up meat for Lent, I also gave up chocolate. The look of these "eggs" in the cart look decadent and adorable. 

8. Sparkling Sorbet Float - My cocktail choice for the weekend. 

9. A Party Without A Cake Print - Need I say more. This print belongs on the wall in our flat. 

10. The Mrs. Sweatshirt - While this shirt may be cheesy, I kind of love it in a way!

Happy weekend everyone! Thank goodness its here! xoxo - Becca

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Sir Oliver!

Today our little furry ball of love turns FOUR! Sir Oliver is moving up in the world, so in dog years he is 28???? WHAT! Four years ago when we brought him home I had no idea how much fun we would have as pet owners. OK, I know, we do not have any children yet, so we treat our sweet little puppy like our child, however, seriously, he provides SO much fun and cuddles and kisses and it is true, they are your best friend! Happy Birthday buddy! We love you Sir Oliver! 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Notes from the Weekend

The weekend was lovely. It was such a busy week last week, that Friday night and Saturday came and went before I knew it, but all the same it was a really great weekend! I often am on such a "go, go, go" schedule that I find myself constantly picking up, cleaning, emailing, blogging, scheduling get togethers, etc. that I do not spend time on the weekend relaxing. Sunday, after a fun but busy Friday and Saturday, I actually took a little nap on the couch, we had a great Sunday lunch with friends, read a magazine and cooked up a storm for the rest of the week, it was so lovely. Now here we are again, Monday, the beginning of the week ahead, but with another busy one ahead, looking back at the weekend will make me excited for the next weekend soon! Anybody else have a good weekend????
Friday night I was at home prepping and setting up for the bridal shower I hosted at our flat Saturday. It was SO much fun! I can not wait to share more pictures that the amazing Kylee Yee captured, but for now you can see sneaks on my Instagram account. Above is a photo of just a few of the flowers I was prepping for the party, I loved finally using our Butler stand…bar stand this weekend!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

printed.com Wedding Collection - Giveaway

When I first moved to London I was looking for the nearest Kinko's, to print out projects I was working on for my bridesmaids. I was sad to find out that there was no convenient 24/7 printing shop that had good quality paper and printing ranges. I felt like my only option was the local stationery shop that would print on regular printer paper in black and white. Then as we started planning and designing all of the details I begin to miss the convenience of Kinko's more and more. I wish I had know about the site I am sharing with you today, printed.com! The easiest, convenient and affordable way to print so many wedding stationery projects. 

Listen, I am a HUGE advocate for using professionals when it comes to planning your big day, but if you are on a budget and want to spend more money on paying someone to design your stationery and can possibly save a little to print it, I say…go for it! Things start to really add up during wedding planning, and saving money on printing place cards and table numbers can be a huge help. printed.com has made it beyond easy for you to upload images, select from a lovely range of textured papers, envelopes and even metallics,  have them printed and delivered to your doorstep. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Polka Dots & Peggy Porschen : An Afternoon Coffee Date

A couple of weeks ago I met up with a wedding industry friend, Maxeen Kim , for a cup of coffee {OK a few!} and a nice catch up. Life is so busy that sometimes an afternoon of indulgence of beautiful and delicious cupcakes, hot cups of coffee {forget the tea} and a couple of hours of girlfriend chit chat are just what everyone needs. Maxeen and I had talked about getting together for awhile, but when the location of a cute tea place came into the idea, I recommended Peggy Porschen in Belgravia because, well, there couldn't be a cuter, more girly, sweet treat spot.
 If you have not been to Peggy's parlor in Belgravia you MUST MAKE A VISIT! The pink corner shop on beautiful Elizabeth Street is a must. Peggy Porschen is an amazing cake designer in London, creating everything from iced sugar cookies, mini cakes to amazingly gorgeous bespoke wedding cakes. I for one am a HUGE fan of the Patisserie Cake Collection! Brides to be check her out!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Featured On: Wedding Sparrow, Our Wedding!

Mr. Beau and I took the past three days off and it was so nice! We decided to take some time and completely clean out our flat. Since living in London for over two and half years, getting married and living our usual busy lives, we had let "stuff" accumulate and it was time for a big clean out. I woke up this morning feeling a little lighter and organized, yay! I also woke up this morning to a beautiful feature on one of my favorite wedding blogs, Wedding Sparrow. Our wedding, shot by the lovely Abby Jiu is featured today on the blog that specializes in film photography and fine art weddings. Check it out here! 
I will be posting our big day on my blog soon,but for now, it was so fun to share our wedding day over on Wedding Sparrow. Our wedding day truly was one of the best days ever, when I'm stressed out or having a bad day, I think of happy memories less then a year ago and it always makes me smile. I hope if you are a bride to be, our day gives you a little inspiration for your wedding day. These images always remind me how lucky I am to be surrounded by such much love in my life; from my friends all over the world, our families and my new husband, and that was what we celebrated! 

xoxox- - Rebecca

Friday, March 6, 2015

I Fancy Friday v.43

You know how I feel about Friday's…I love them! The sense of waking up and knowing that the weekend is ahead, I love it! This weekend Mr. Beau and I are taking three days to fix up our flat a little. We have LOTS of projects scheduled and I am ready to get this place whipped into shape! I will be stopping by A Most Curious Wedding Fair and other then that we are being homebodies and guess what…I can't wait. Recently our weeks are just so busy that come Friday, I am a pretty happy person at home, on the couch with Mr. Beau, Sir Oliver and a glass of wine. Anyone else agree with me there???? It was a lovely week behind us and I found a few things that I fancy…you know I had to share. Happy Weekend everyone! 
1. Flower Bouquet - Featured on Love My Dress and shot by Eddie Judd was so pretty! The flowers by Bloomingayles were so gorgeous, so so pretty! I'd like to have an anniversary shoot please with this bouquet, hee hee hee. 

2. LK Bennet Gold Bucket Bag - Spring is around the corner and I am itching for a new handbag. This gold one has a twinkle in my eye. please. pretty please. 

3. Salty Pretzel Earrings - How fun are these marc jacobs earrings!!!

4. Bonjour Clutch  - ooo lala. I am so loving this beaded clutch from Accessorize. 

5. 1st Class Stamp - Photo by Ruth Eileen - So how can I get a print like this in our flat. How? Wouldn't it be PERFECT! 

6. Kate Spade Cocktail Napkins from Quill London  - Perfect for a Friday night in or a cocktail party. Everyone needs to add a little confetti to their daily drink! 

7. Green Pitcher from H&M - WOW! SO I am kind of in love with the H&M home store. This pitcher looks vintage!….nope, it is H&M! 

8. Koya - This was named one of Timeout London's cheap eats and it is up near the top of my must eats. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. 

9. Peggy Porschen Strawberry Champagne Cupcake - Oh my! I had one of these on Sunday as a big splurge treat. This is heaven. Go get yourself one!!!! 

Hope your Friday is lovely. Make it a bit fancy!!! xoxo - Becca

*You may like these posts if you liked this one! v. 41 | v. 37 | v. 40 | v.42

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Heading off to Paris!…Ideas?

Mr. Beau and I are heading to Paris in three months. We decided to book a trip to the beautiful and romantic city for our one year anniversary {eeekkk, how is that creeping up so soon!}. Both of us have been there a few times on our own, but never before together. I felt pretty fancy and romantic when we booked our weekend for our anniversary in Paris, le sigh. I am so excited to go to Paris for a few days and wander the city, eat, drink, get lost and adventure through the amazing place it is. Both of us have done a lot of the tourist stops before so we are looking 
for any other suggestions anyone may have!
Have you stayed in an Airbnb? Was it awesome? Would you recommend it? Did you stay in any affordable amazing boutique hotels? Seriously any recommendations I would love to hear! 
Any yes, if you have any must have patisseries to stop by, send them my way. I went with my bestie a few years ago and ate pastries three times a day, why not! I wouldn't mind doing that again! 

We may need one stop by the Musee d'Orsay just because, well it is a pretty fabulous museum and hey, I like to pose alongside the statues as well.;) Any interesting shows you have been to? 

I'm bummed to be missing out on Blogtacular this year {are you a blogger? you should go! Sign up HERE!} but I think a weekend in June in Paris with my husband…..I don't think I can beat that any day!

Please let me know any suggestions you have! I would love some. 

xoxo - Rebecca

*images are from a trip to Paris with my bestie over six years ago, my time flies. And wow, I had a lot of high lights in my hair. Love hair stories! xoxo

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

London Tea : An Afternoon at Sketch

Afternoon tea, sigh. Afternoon tea is one of occasions that I absolutely love about living in London. Getting together with friends and drinking delicious tea & champagne {OK that is optional but who wouldn't want some bubbly}, chatting over yummy mini desserts and scones and often just enjoying hours of conversations for the entire afternoon. I truly love everything about afternoon tea. Back in October when I was at the Blog Awards I started chatting to Karen with Smashing the Glass about how we should really get together in person more often. As a blogger and event planner, we find ourselves sitting behind our computers for hours and hours and not making enough time to meet up in person. It may have taken us a few months later, however, last week we got together with some lovely bloggers at the amazing Sketch London for truly a treat in the Gallery Room
A large room full of pink pouffy chairs and couches, the room is absolutely my dream room!  
 When I have American friends who ask me if they should make time for afternoon tea when visiting London my answer is always, YES! There is nothing not to love about a few hours of catching up, drinking tea and eating delicious goodies. Sketch is such a unique venue for this! The tea was traditional but with a twist. Gingerbread macaroons, mini vegetarian croque monsieur {that they continued to bring out warm, and tied with a bow!}, blueberry eclairs, oh my, the tea was truly delicious. I decided to splurge and had not only a lovely pot of the vanilla tea, but also a glass of the champagne, why not! Afternoon tea should require celebrating with a glass of fizz, and served in a coupe glass of course. 


Monday, March 2, 2015

A Most Curious Wedding Fair : London

When I was getting married I was always looking for a cool interesting place to find local suppliers and get inspiration for our big day. The idea of attending some of the HUGE wedding fairs did not excite me at all! Now that I am married and still in the weddings and events business, I am still looking for these unique type of show. I am so glad that I was introduced to the show happening this weekend in London… A Most Curious Wedding Fair, the wedding show for the style savvy couple. 

This is the tenth show that the organizers have created and it seems like it is going to be one well worth it to visit. With unique suppliers from: Crown & Glory hair accessories, the super talented Lemon Tree Cakes, Olwen Bourke Bridal  and Comeuppance along with so many others. As a bride to be, sometimes flipping through magazines can be hard to actually get a true feel for everything that someone has to offer. If you are looking for something unique and not what you are finding in the mainstream magazine, attend the show! If you are looking for plain old bunting then, well ….come to the show and find out what is SO much more then that and so many more creative ideas! 
Tickets start at £7 and are available for purchase HERE. A Most Curious Wedding Fair. The show runs on Saturday, 7th of March and Sunday, 8th of March from 11am - 6pm at The Old Truman Brewery, 81 Brick Lane, London, E1 6Ql. 

xoxo - Rebecca

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