I know that these past few months I have been a bit sporadic with keeping up the Urban Flip Flop blogging. Recently I think, where did all my time go! I wake up in the morning and have 101 things I want to get accomplished and then I go to bed with a list of 102 things plus a few more that I still want to get done. Today when it was chilly {finally} and got oh so dark out way too early I thought "tonight I'm going to organize my life and accomplish stuff!". I came home, made dinner and sat down at the dining room table ready to organize, {glass of vino by my side}.

{image from:LCY Etsy Shop}
I started blogging as an outpost of my thoughts while in DC. A way to write about my transition from moving to my home of 7 years, Washington DC to Florida, this new questionable state. I thought that blogging would be a great way to post stories about my struggle to find a job, interviewing, packing, moving, post things I love that I couldn't share with my friends over drinks and all my experiences of my life with beau here in Fort Lauderdale. It has been! However...

{Image from: ishoutnouns Etsy}
I started to get busy with my move, travel, work, etc. I have been blogging here and there. I have joined a lot of organizations in Fort Lauderdale. I have been forced to put myself out there, build a new life here, meet new people, do a lot of things and next thing I know Florida just took time from me and my blogging. By the time I went to sit at my computer.....the day was over...and I was falling asleep.

So here I am. I am back and going to be blogging. I am scheduling blogging into my life. I love writing my thoughts, sharing my ideas, parties, travels, dreams, everything. If I have 1 or 100 or more followers, well oh well, doesn't matter. Becca the Blogger. From my urban life to wearing flip flops and the interesting things I have found in between, I will be back writing about them and everything else.

{image from MADEBYGIRL Etsy}
The picture above, hhhmm, I think it might look nice in our room. I hope beau likes it because it explains what I love and what I've been spending my time on....reading blogs and getting caught up all the wonderful things that are out there to read!
So that being said.... here I am back to blogging....
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