Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The last 6 months

It seems like years ago since I wrote this post here , sharing the news of my pregnancy. As you can see I have been a bit quite on the blog front since then. These past few months have been a bit crazy to say the least, but all in a fun and exciting way. We are moving to a new flat next week after living in our place for almost four years, work has been a bit full on with the exciting opening next week, we travelled to Holland with my parents for a week and in the mix I have had a lot of events going on, taking care of myself and getting ready for #babygirlkobus . In the middle of all of this I get home at night and I'm just tired and haven't been able to stay up till midnight to write a post like I use to. However, over the next few weeks when things wind down a bit, I'm so excited to share the posts that have been storing up in my mind. Today I thought I would share what so many people have been asking me, how am I? How am I feeling? How have the last 6 months been! With 29 weeks on the horizon tomorrow, it is crazy to think this little lady will be here in a few months. Planning her nursery {how great is the print below I am loving from Ever After Press}, baby lists, baby bump aerobics, maternity clothes, cravings, tired feet, there has been a lot going! 

How I have been feeling?
I promised not to make my blog a baby blog, but then I realized its my personal site and people have been asking, so hey, I will post as much as you want. I am so lucky to have been able to feel great during my pregnancy. I feel a bit bad talking about it because I have friends who have felt just absolutely terrible, exhausted every day and have had morning sickness for months, luckily I have not. I honestly can say, I have been sick only once. I've continued to exercise and continue on with my normal days, and over the last few weeks have been learning to slow it down a bit, but otherwise I have been ok. I have been sleepy I have to say, 10pm and I'm pretty done for the day, asleep on the couch only 5 minutes into a show, but really, I have felt really well. Over the past few weeks I have just started to feel, well, big, but keep reminding myself that is normal, I think it is just a hard thing to learn during your first pregnancy. 

Have I had cravings? 
Not really! I wish I could tell you that I send Mr. Beau out every night to run and get me a pint of ice cream, but I don't {however that sounds amazing!}. The first few months I really didn't fancy the usual yummy big healthy salads I love that are full of grains and veggies but would way rather have a yummy big sandwich, luckily, that has gone away. We do make a weekly trip to Udderlicious and indulge in homemade amazing delicious ice cream but hey, I'm 6 months pregnant, I think thats ok. If I had to name one thing of a craving, I would say certainly, it would be sweets/desserts, I for sure fancy some cake or a bite of chocolate more then I use to. I have been trying to stay good and not use the old saying of eating for two, because reality is that come September I'll be trying to get that cake off of my post pregnancy bod. I have really been trying to stay positive about the change in my body but it is hard, really hard. Nothing fits, my thighs feel big, my arms feel big, I certainly do not look like one of the movie stars in the their bikinis with just a small bump. Recently I look in the mirror and wonder, whoa, how did my tummy get so big, but I love my bump, makes me happy. So saying that, I'm just trying to be positive, to mentally give good body image thoughts to the little lady arriving and accept that I want a piece of cake, I can have a small one, my body is changing and thats the way of life.  

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