HAPPY NEW YEAR! I got back from Holland on Sunday and too be quite honest, haven't realized the whole new year thing yet. I was in such a rush over the holidays {great time though!} that I didn't really stop and think about what I wanted accomplish in 2011. This is the year I turn the big 3-0! There are so many things I want to do that every year I say I'll do, well time to stop saying and doing. I read about this awesome project on Peach and Pearl Blog and I had to share. I am going to complete my project this weekend. I wanted share the details and Emily's project. I think it is a GREAT idea. No more waiting, 2011, it's time to find the happiness and excitement in life!
A brief recap for those of you unfamiliar with the Day Zero/101 in 1001 Project:
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks/goals/challenges in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (i.e. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and represent "stretching."
Why 1001 Days?
It's all about a realistic deadline. 1001 days (about 2.75 years) allows you several seasons to complete tasks, which is better for organizing and timing things like overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Start Date: January 1, 2010
End Date: September 27, 2013
Goals Complete: 1/101
Goals in Progress: 3/101
Last Updated: January 5, 2010
BOLD marks a completed item
PEACH marks a partially completed or in-progress item
Kind :: to myself and others
1. Pay the bill for someone behind me in the drive-through line
2. Make a new friend
3. Send a care package to someone I don't know
4. Get a pedicure once every summer (0/3)
5. Volunteer at the animal shelter at least twice a month (0/66)
6. Complete the 100 Pushup Challenge
7. Take walk after work once a week (0/132)
8. Leave a lovely sticky note on a stranger's windshield
9. Start going to a fun exercise class, like Pure Barre or Irish dance
10. Visit one or both grandmas (without parents!)
11. Cultivate five habits to make my life more green (0/5)
12. Seek out five people I know who are getting married and offer my expertise (0/5)
13. Read To Kill a Mockingbird (my favorite book of all time) every August (0/3)
Settled :: at home, wherever that may be
14. Reupholster a piece of furniture
15. Get at least one room to a place where I feel it's fully decorated
16. Make a fresh flower arrangement every month (0/33)
17. Live somewhere with a window seat
18. Invest in IRA every year (0/3)
19. Buy or install new shelving for books
20. Can or pickle some sort of vegetable
21. Transfer car insurance from parents
22. Acquire a KitchenAid mixer
23. Buy a new cookbook every year (0/3)
24. Buy that chair I really want at the flea market and refinish it
25. Buy a car
26. Successfully transport trunk from Island to apartment
27. Personal
Daring and Adventurous
28. Visit Canada (preferably Montreal, Quebec, or Prince Edward Island)
29. Attend an opera
30. Try raw milk
31. Go treehouse camping or glamping
32. Cheer at a Southern football game
33. Eat vegetarian for three separate weeks (do not have to be consecutive) (0/3)
34. Backpack and camp at least once a year (0/3)
35. Attend The Nutcracker every year (experiencing as many different versions as possible) (0/2)
36. Visit Chincoteague
37. Have a croissant at a French cafe
38. Stealth-plant tulips
39. Explore two more states/regions I've never been to (0/2)
40. Wear a large hat to the Kentucky Derby
41. Host an adventure dinner party like Jordan
42. Go to Europe
43. Attend the ballet (besides The Nutcracker)
44. Try ten new foods (0/10)
45. Read the New Testament
46. Go on a missions trip
47. Increase giving/tithing by 5% every year (0/2)
48. Kneel in prayer at least once a week (0/132)
49. Invite someone to come to church with John and me
50. Go to church when traveling (to experience new pastors and ways of doing things)
51. Do another service at the Island
52. Find a way to observe the Sabbath
53. Email Adam Hamilton sermons to three people who might be interested (0/3)
54. Find a Bible study that meets regularly at FUMC
55. Add one piece to the Willow Tree nativity each year (0/2)
56. Post my outfit every day for one month (0/31)
57. Memorize another favorite poem
58. Acquire a sewing machine and make something with its assistance
59. Get someone to publish my thesis
60. Put together a portfolio of projects I've worked on -- both personal and professional
61. Make a quilt for picnics
62. Read biographies of five people I admire (0/5)
63. Interview, shadow, or intern with three people who do things/have jobs I'd like to learn more about (0/3)
64. Buy two new books of poetry every year (0/6)
65. Make another video commemorating a big trip or event
66. Improve product photography skills
67. Improve product styling skills
68. Develop a product to collaborate on with Aunt Nan and open a dedicated Etsy store for it
69. Learn something from someone I admire (i.e. flower arranging from the Little Flower School or Blossom and Branch, fabric crafts from Purl, Adobe programs or photography from Nicole Hill Gerulat)
70. Consult with a calligrapher and then buy real calligraphy supplies
71. Get Peach & Pearl a spiffy new look
72. Grow blog to over 500 subscribers in Google Reader
73. Get to 50 sales on Etsy (23/50)
74. Monetize blog
75. Switch blog platform from Blogger to Wordpress
76. Make a favicon
77. Design and print return address labels for P&P packaging
Warm and Welcoming
78. Start a book club like Brooke
79. Host an outdoor party when fruit trees are in bloom
80. Purchase six books I remember from my childhood -- nice, hardcover copies (0/6)
81. Plan another backpacking adventure with as many friends as will come
82. Successfully dock a boat each summer at the Island (0/3)
83. Host a series of collaborative dinners a la Sunday Suppers
84. Send news to The Quarterly at least once a year (0/3)
85. Transfer Christmas card recipient list/log to Google Docs like Kate
86. Buy cowboy boots
87. Learn a new ballroom dance every year (0/3)
88. Find a signature drink and learn how to mix it
89. Jump off the dock at the Island once a year (0/3)
90. Adopt a beagle
91. Learn how to French braid my hair
92. Learn how to French braid the hair of others
93. Buy a classic Christmas book every year (0/2)
94. Meet Eddie Ross
95. Buy new (vision) glasses
96. Read my thesis every May (0/3)
97. Practice yoga three times a week for three months (0/36)
98. Read the entire Chronicles of Narnia series (0/7)
99. Develop a classical playlist on Grooveshark
100. Watch a taping of The Martha Stewart Show
101. Begin a new 101 in 1001 list!
Let me know if anybody starts the project. I would love to see what's on your list. I'll be sharing mine soon!
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks/goals/challenges in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (i.e. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and represent "stretching."
Why 1001 Days?
It's all about a realistic deadline. 1001 days (about 2.75 years) allows you several seasons to complete tasks, which is better for organizing and timing things like overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Start Date: January 1, 2010
End Date: September 27, 2013
Goals Complete: 1/101
Goals in Progress: 3/101
Last Updated: January 5, 2010
BOLD marks a completed item
PEACH marks a partially completed or in-progress item
Here is Emily's list...
Kind :: to myself and others
1. Pay the bill for someone behind me in the drive-through line
2. Make a new friend
3. Send a care package to someone I don't know
4. Get a pedicure once every summer (0/3)
5. Volunteer at the animal shelter at least twice a month (0/66)
6. Complete the 100 Pushup Challenge
7. Take walk after work once a week (0/132)
8. Leave a lovely sticky note on a stranger's windshield
9. Start going to a fun exercise class, like Pure Barre or Irish dance
10. Visit one or both grandmas (without parents!)
11. Cultivate five habits to make my life more green (0/5)
12. Seek out five people I know who are getting married and offer my expertise (0/5)
13. Read To Kill a Mockingbird (my favorite book of all time) every August (0/3)
Settled :: at home, wherever that may be
14. Reupholster a piece of furniture
15. Get at least one room to a place where I feel it's fully decorated
16. Make a fresh flower arrangement every month (0/33)
17. Live somewhere with a window seat
18. Invest in IRA every year (0/3)
19. Buy or install new shelving for books
20. Can or pickle some sort of vegetable
21. Transfer car insurance from parents
22. Acquire a KitchenAid mixer
23. Buy a new cookbook every year (0/3)
24. Buy that chair I really want at the flea market and refinish it
25. Buy a car
26. Successfully transport trunk from Island to apartment
27. Personal
Daring and Adventurous
28. Visit Canada (preferably Montreal, Quebec, or Prince Edward Island)
29. Attend an opera
30. Try raw milk
31. Go treehouse camping or glamping
32. Cheer at a Southern football game
33. Eat vegetarian for three separate weeks (do not have to be consecutive) (0/3)
34. Backpack and camp at least once a year (0/3)
35. Attend The Nutcracker every year (experiencing as many different versions as possible) (0/2)
36. Visit Chincoteague
37. Have a croissant at a French cafe
38. Stealth-plant tulips
39. Explore two more states/regions I've never been to (0/2)
40. Wear a large hat to the Kentucky Derby
41. Host an adventure dinner party like Jordan
42. Go to Europe
43. Attend the ballet (besides The Nutcracker)
44. Try ten new foods (0/10)
45. Read the New Testament
46. Go on a missions trip
47. Increase giving/tithing by 5% every year (0/2)
48. Kneel in prayer at least once a week (0/132)
49. Invite someone to come to church with John and me
50. Go to church when traveling (to experience new pastors and ways of doing things)
51. Do another service at the Island
52. Find a way to observe the Sabbath
53. Email Adam Hamilton sermons to three people who might be interested (0/3)
54. Find a Bible study that meets regularly at FUMC
55. Add one piece to the Willow Tree nativity each year (0/2)
56. Post my outfit every day for one month (0/31)
57. Memorize another favorite poem
58. Acquire a sewing machine and make something with its assistance
59. Get someone to publish my thesis
60. Put together a portfolio of projects I've worked on -- both personal and professional
61. Make a quilt for picnics
62. Read biographies of five people I admire (0/5)
63. Interview, shadow, or intern with three people who do things/have jobs I'd like to learn more about (0/3)
64. Buy two new books of poetry every year (0/6)
65. Make another video commemorating a big trip or event
66. Improve product photography skills
67. Improve product styling skills
68. Develop a product to collaborate on with Aunt Nan and open a dedicated Etsy store for it
69. Learn something from someone I admire (i.e. flower arranging from the Little Flower School or Blossom and Branch, fabric crafts from Purl, Adobe programs or photography from Nicole Hill Gerulat)
70. Consult with a calligrapher and then buy real calligraphy supplies
71. Get Peach & Pearl a spiffy new look
72. Grow blog to over 500 subscribers in Google Reader
73. Get to 50 sales on Etsy (23/50)
74. Monetize blog
75. Switch blog platform from Blogger to Wordpress
76. Make a favicon
77. Design and print return address labels for P&P packaging
Warm and Welcoming
78. Start a book club like Brooke
79. Host an outdoor party when fruit trees are in bloom
80. Purchase six books I remember from my childhood -- nice, hardcover copies (0/6)
81. Plan another backpacking adventure with as many friends as will come
82. Successfully dock a boat each summer at the Island (0/3)
83. Host a series of collaborative dinners a la Sunday Suppers
84. Send news to The Quarterly at least once a year (0/3)
85. Transfer Christmas card recipient list/log to Google Docs like Kate
86. Buy cowboy boots
87. Learn a new ballroom dance every year (0/3)
88. Find a signature drink and learn how to mix it
89. Jump off the dock at the Island once a year (0/3)
90. Adopt a beagle
91. Learn how to French braid my hair
92. Learn how to French braid the hair of others
93. Buy a classic Christmas book every year (0/2)
94. Meet Eddie Ross
95. Buy new (vision) glasses
96. Read my thesis every May (0/3)
97. Practice yoga three times a week for three months (0/36)
98. Read the entire Chronicles of Narnia series (0/7)
99. Develop a classical playlist on Grooveshark
100. Watch a taping of The Martha Stewart Show
101. Begin a new 101 in 1001 list!
Let me know if anybody starts the project. I would love to see what's on your list. I'll be sharing mine soon!
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