A couple of months ago I posted an Instastory chatting about the blog. I think I said at the time that I was going to be back to blogging that week {insert laughter from me!}. Well you know what happened, life happened! I had clients to get back to, a little lady to raise, a flat to keep up, time with my husband, birthdays to celebrate, the blog got placed in file of not important things to do right now. Well this morning I thought, today is as good a day as ever! I know it has been quite a few months since last time I posted and over the past year, I have written only a few posts, and you know what, that's OK! I thought that during my maternity leave I would take SO much time on the blog and writing but that makes me laugh, because truly I did 101 other things then write on the blog. But here I am...and I'm back. I have to be quite honest, I missed my little space here on the web with Urban Flip Flops after nine years of blogging! 

To say it has been one busy year is an understatement for sure. Watching a baby full time with no family close by, starting a business, planning events, traveling, all great stuff, but whoa, 2017, oh my. To think that our little lady Fleur came into our lives over a year ago is pretty crazy to me! Some days I can't remember life without her and some days it seems like yesterday. I am still getting a grasp on motherhood {where is that manual to read?!?!?} and truly never know if it is something anyone is perfect at. What I remind myself daily is that I can't do it all. That is a TOUGH one for me to repeat, as I am a to do lister and multitasking lady, but it is something I truly had to accept this past year. Stepping away from putting all of my energy in this blog was one of those things.
I tell all of my friends that are pregnant that motherhood is amazing but that also, it is something that truly nobody can prepare you for. You go from having all the time in the world for yourself and then it is taken over by a teeny adorable little person that needs your attention 24/7. While it is lovely and amazing and I wouldn't give it up for the world, it is tough. Being a mom is a full time job. We do not have family nearby or a nanny or full-time childcare, so these past 12 months have been a huge learning curve for me. I decided to go full-time with my new business {woo hoo! Rebecca K Events! It is about time!}, I run a sequin linen business Glimmer & Threads, I'm a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, I like to keep fit and healthy and have a home and life to keep up with. All of these things this past year have been done with Fleur by my side.
We have travelled to Florence, Paris, California, Ohio, Holland, Virginia, Washington DC and have made incredible priceless memories! Fleur's first year has certainly been a year of my life I will never forget. Now our little munchkin is beginning to walk, she has an incredible sparkly personality, she has become quite chatty and it is amazing to see her becoming her own little person. Over the the past few weeks I think of something and always think, "Oh, I should blog that!", well I felt it was time to come back. I want to share the little bit of mum advice I can, I want to collaborate on projects again, share entertaining ideas, things to do in London, recipes, all of the things I love. Yes, I am a mother but I am also Rebecca and there are so many things I love and {wow!} have been sharing over here for nine years on that blog, that I missed it. So the posts may be less frequent, however, they will be more quality then quantity. I look forward to sharing with you the flip flops through mumhood and the entrepreneur life I am just getting started!
A HUGE thank you to my beautiful friend Kylee Yee for capturing these priceless photos of me and Fleur!
xoxo Rebecca