A few months ago I discovered that walking to work was only about 25 minutes from our flat. On days when I have a few extra minutes to spare, instead of squeezing myself on the tube for one stop to Kings Cross, I have started walking. 1.9 miles from my door to the office. The walk is such a nice way to start and end the day. From Highbury, down Liverpool Road, through Barnsbury and over to Kings Cross, I have managed to fall in love with many little places along the way.
Hello beautiful door! I love this house near Caledonian Road! Isn't the ivy growing around the black door so chic.
One day I turned the corner and saw this pink office building with the sun shining on it and gasped! If I own an office....can mine be pink like this?:)
I LOVE this pub with a garden growing outside of it, well kind of, on it.
Every time I walk by this house off Liverpool Road I think, "I could live there!".
The amazing flowers in England are out of control. People have peony bushes and rose bushes climbing all around their yards. I have to stop myself from snapping a photo of every single beautiful yard I see. I mean really, if I had these beautiful yellow roses in front of my flat, they would constantly be filling vases in my house:)
I love walking by one of our favorite pubs on a quite day, isn't the Albion such a pretty place.
Brightly colored doors in London never get old to me! You can see my other pics here.
I was pretty excited to walk by the new Lululemon show room off of Liverpool Road last week!
It has been nice walking to work and sometimes stopping for coffee on the way with Beau. We just discovered this new adorable spot right around from our flat, the Little Gem coffee shop.
So feeling like I needed to kick up my workout routine with a year towards the big day, I have started running home from work when I can. Yep, I'm that city girl you see running home with a huge back pack on, and I love it! Its a good challenge after a long day at the office!
Take a break, get out of your car, get off the metro, take your two feet and try walking to work. I do love it! You can see my adventures here.
xoxo~ Becca