Thursday, June 7, 2012

Travel Diary: Quick Hop Over to London

It is not a surprise that I LOVE to travel! Since Beau and I met I think we have travelled to about six countries together. Travelling abroad or in the States is a huge thing for me and always will be. I thought it would be fun to begin a new series: Travel Diary. Up this week...London. 

As promised I am just getting around to posting from my trip to Europe a few weeks ago. I have been back for about three weeks now and wow, seems like ages ago! During our trip abroad we made a quick stop in London, sigh, love this city. We were there last year  and as usual, fell in love with the amazing place it is. This trip was quick, but I had a little time to do some window shopping at two of my favorite all time most amazing London stores. 

The flagship store of Topshop  is unlike any other Topshop stores I have been too. I remember living in London during college and my girlfriends and I would save up our money to buy a new "going out" outfit at this trendy place. The 90,000 sq/ft location features include a nail bar, a one-hour tailoring service, a hair salon, a cafĂ©/sandwich bar, and a one-hour delivery service whereby customers can place an order to the store and their products will be delivered by Vespa scooter. How cool is that! I saw these very Florida earrings and thought that they would be a laugh for a Floridian Weddings event. This sparkly number would be too fun to dance around at a party with. However, I bought a few sweets from the candy section and left empty handed. 

Next stop: Selfridges {and their is a fanfare of music!}. You know you are walking in the right direction when you start seeing people on the streets with their neon yellow bags with black writing. Selfridges is an absolutely amazing department and a MUST when visiting London. At the moment the store has a complete creative dedication to the Queen's Diamond Jubilee called The Big British Bang. {Side note, the Jubilee, amazing!}. The entire first floor of the department store has small stores all selling quite British items. 

Selfridges even has a flower shop with pretty beautiful English flowers. My favorites, little Ranunculus! 

 If only I was able to register at Selfridges, or had something to register for! How about this awesome Long Live the Queen mug! I was happy to see the set of teacups that Beau's mom bought me in Holland a few years ago. 

Long Live the Queen! 

 Selfridges iconic Yellow had its own spot in the store. Yellow wells, yellow notebooks, yellow canvas bags. Amazing set up! I took a retail merchandising class during my time in London in college and my teacher would have died over this, he was pretty fab! 

The adorable Cath Kidston had her own shop on the first floor and when I saw this skirt I couldn't stop thinking of it {and still can not!}. Kate Middleton should have worn this number at a Jubilee event, now wouldn't that have been funny!

The windows were amazing as well! Sigh...can't wait to be back again..maybe sooner then I think:) 



  1. HI I read your article with interest because i have thought about it as well. Delhi culture is to dress up even if you go to a neighbourhood market. Bombay is alot more casual. Chennai is disastrous.While working in Chennai, we went to a pub in a 3 star hotel, called Bikers Club, i was shocked to find that everyone there was wearing shirt and dhotis.We had girls in pur group and did not spend a minute there. I pubs in Delhi allow everyone to come in wearing whatever they want to, can you imagine what will happen to the ambience?
    Also in office, sometime back, the HR decided they will give more freedom to people to dress the way they feel comfortable. Yu cant imagine to the extent people took the liberty to. People were walking in wearing unpressed kurtas and jeans and chappals. It was affecting the attitude at work place as well. We are back to strick office formals 4 days a week and business casuals on Fridays.
    Given the social immaturity in our society i think the rules we have make sense. For those who are more culturally aware, we pay a price.
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