Saturday, June 2, 2012

Weekend Notes from Vermont

I am in Veremont! Yay! The last time I was here was a few years ago when Brandi and I went to one of the most amazing dinners I have ever had at Outstanding in the Field.  Yes, you actually eat dinner at a farm, in a field, its AMAZING. I took both of these pictures a few years ago and looking at them always make me think of happy things. Happy memories:) Hope your weekend is full of happy things! Take a break and pour yourself a cup of tea, a glass of wine, whatever you may like and enjoy the links I found throughout the week. xoxo~Becca

I love this Welcome Bag that we put together for Florida Summer weddings.

You know I'm a HUGE Beyonce fan! I think Michelle Obama said that if she had to come back as someone else, it would be too! Check out her latest post baby videos! here and here

Hand dipped centerpieces are easy and an adorable idea for an event!

I'm loving this Desk Obsessed series that Ashley puts together.

Aran's new book comes out this Fall and she shot a trailer for it in Vermont. It looks LOVELY.

A hot air balloon photo booth for kids is ridiculous! Its ridiculously adorable.

I would love to live in this living room:)

I am seriously mad about Pink also!

....p.s. HOW IS IT JUNE? :) xoxo

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