Friday, February 21, 2014

I Fancy Friday v. 23

I have to be honest, the last two weeks has been hard getting in the groove. As most of you know, I started a new job and with wedding planning, blogging, projects, work full time, life, everything just seems to be nonstop. I'm trying to get in a habit of making more time for myself and for me, Beau and Oliver by saying NO to others until after June. Hey, it isn't easy, but right now, with so much to do, I just need a little more time in each day! That being said, I was excited after two weeks, to share a few things I fancied along the way. Happy weekend everyone! I am SO excited it is Friday! xoxo

WEAR:  I am loving this adorable shirt from J.Crew. Forget the cheesy rhinestone tanks, this Bride to be wants this adorable BRIDE shirt from J.Crew {1} ! Am I able to add these amazing bow shoes to our wedding registry, hahaha, because they are what I want on my feet on our wedding day. Are they not beauties! 

I HEART: I saw these adorable Happy Notepad {2} at Liberty yesterday. I know I would be happy receiving a note on them. How about this cute As Good as Gold Pouchette  {4} I am thinking about these for some cute bridesmaids gifts. 

MAKE: What a simple little project, Floral Cup Wraps  {3} are such a cute addition to your bridal shower, getting ready on your wedding day or how about, just any day! Print and wrap, fancy coffee cup! Also, these Paleo Grain Free Sugar Cookies {5}, I am SUPER intrigued to make them, gluten free sugar cookies, yummy! 

DO: I have a date with a girlfriend to visit the Paul Smith at Design Museum {6} and am really looking forward to it! The man behind the beautiful British menswear line full of amazing prints, how about this bow tie for our wedding?

I hope you FANCY Friday as much as I do! Happy Friday! 

xoxo - Becca

*A few past Fancy Fridays: version 22, version 19, version 20

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