Friday, February 28, 2014

I Fancy Friday v. 24

Friday friday friday! yay! The weekend is here! How is today the last day of February, craziness! Last night Beau and I attended his work awards party and I got fancied up and well, it was a fun night! However, that means today was a tiring one. I'm looking forward to spending some time relaxing this week and regrouping on our major wedding to do list. In between all the business going on, I have still managed to find quite a few things I fancy, it makes the week better, right? Enjoy this week's Fancy Friday.

1. I am absolutely LOVING this British couples wedding in Miami on Floridian Weddings Feature by Katie Lopez {and CHECK OUT the earrings the groom bought his new Mrs!} 

2. The lovely Jillian with Mimi Nicole created this beautiful simple arrangement and I think I may try replicate myself. 

3. SJP has a new shoe line out with Nordstrom and they are shiny fancy and pretty!

5. Sparkles for under £10, this little bracelet from Forever 21 is a lovely non guilty little purchase. 

6. I've had my eye on this Alphabet Rolling Stamp  for awhile. I think its time to purchase! Imagine the cute wedding things I could do with this. 

7. Mini Cake stands with a domes on Pizzazzerie , I mean doesn't everyone need one!!!

Happy Friday! xoxo - Becca

* REMINDER - Want to WIN 5 FREE training sessions at my favorite North London workout? Enter HERE! 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lets Take a Walk : Richmond Park

A sunny afternoon {or rainy!} with a long walk is something I have really started to enjoy more living here in England. Hours of walking through huge open fields with Sir Oliver, Beau and friends has become a really nice and so memorable afternoon out. We often go to Hampstead Heath  since it is a bit closer to us, but a few weeks ago we decided to adventure out to the largest of the Royal Parks, Richmond Park. It was a lovely afternoon! 
 Richmond Park is over 2,000 acres of fields, ponds and lodges. It also just happens to be home the home to over 600 deer. It is amazing to spot a large deer roaming through the park with the view of the London skyline in the background. You feel as if you are miles and miles away from the city, but truly you are only a few tube stops away. 
 Of course Sir Oliver loves ANYTHING about a large park, including running through every large mud puddle and chewing every large branch he can find. He was in heaven. 
 It was a bit of a muddy day in the park, so reminder, wear your wellies! My super sweet friend looked oh so cute, but I felt bad for her pretty boots after this walk! 
 Isn't it pretty here! 
 How amazing are my friend Ann's monogrammed wellies! I mean you gotta be stylish even on a muddy walk. 
 Can you spot the big deer? Right hand corner, it was amazing to see so close. I grew up in West Virginia where deer were in our front yard daily, but to see these large deer roaming around right outside was pretty amazing. Warning though to pet owners, keep your dog on the leash when you see them. I worried Oliver would chase the deer away, but he was to interested in the sticks! 
 What follows a long afternoon walk, time at the pub! 
 A Sunday Roast is an English tradition that I am really loving! It is comforting and after a three hour walk, a roast, a pint and good company is the perfect Sunday afternoon.

Check out Richmond Park, it is beautiful and a lovely afternoon escape from the hustle and bustle of the city! 

xoxo - Becca

*You may like these posts on Walks in London: A Walk in Hampstead Heath  & Olivers favorite Dog Parks in London

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

GIVEAWAY: Orangetheory Fitness !

Big, big giveaway for you today! My friends at David Lloyd Studio Orangetheory are giving one of you lucky readers, 5 free sessions at the studio. I've been training at the studio since it opened back in the summer, the workouts ROCK! I've lost 10lbs since I've really committed to classes, feel more toned and because class is only an hour, I LOVE that I can get a major workout in a short time. It is a GREAT workout if you are getting ready for the big day!!!!! Amazing! And this week, you can win FIVE free classes! 

Here's how you enter: 
1. Follow Urban Flip Flops on twitter, instagram, Facebook & Pinterest and follow David Lloyd Orangetheory on Facebook. Leave a comment below saying that you've done so! One Entry per following. Leave a comment for each follow. 

2. Leave a comment telling me why you are trying to get more fit! Bride to be? Bridesmaids? Attending a big event? Just because! 

3. For an extra entry, pin an image from Urban Flip Flops Blog that has to do with a healthy lifestyle, tag it and leave a comment below.  

-winner will be randomly selected next Friday, 7th of March! 

Open only to UK residents. 

* I've talked about how much I love the studio HERE and HERE before! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Afternoon Blog Break

Today is one of those dreary days where I would like to be at home on the couch, flipping through magazines, checking off my to do lists and indulging in House of Cards! Well, too bad, I'm not! However, with such a busy time of life right now, its fun to take a few minutes out of your hectic afternoon, pour yourself a cup of tea and enjoy the afternoon blog links that I'm enjoying. Happy Tuesday! 

I'm going to win the lottery and buy this amazing polka dot, flower print Oscar de la Renta skirt, right?

How to make Pink macarons, looks so easy, no?

Attending the Brides Show, Louise at B.Loved has some good suggestions.

I can't wait to get my hair done all pretty at Blow Ltd, have you been?

This cauliflower cous cous recipe sounds amazing.

Congratulations to our wedding photographer, voted one of the best wedding photographers by Martha Stewart Weddings! Abby congrats! 

I am loving that had it's 2nd Anniversary party and there was a lip bar! Thats how girls get those fab red perfect lips! 

Whitney Port had an adorable bridal luncheon to talk about her wedding plans, lucky girl.

xoxo - Becca

Bows for the Big Day

I have a bit of a thing for bows. A man in a bowtie, bows on shoes, bows on dogs, a bow on your wedding dress, I love them all! There is something playful, pretty and feminine by adding a bow to your wedding day. I've been thinking about adding a bow to my veil, Beau is going to be dressed handsomely in a spiffy bow tie and the sweet flower girl will probably be wearing sparkly bows on her sparkly shoes. A little bit of pretty, a little bit of girly, both, the perfect thing to add to your wedding day! Everything looks a little bit prettier when tied with a bow. 

I even added a pink velvet bow ribbon to our engagement pictures. Yes, I love bows!!!

xoxo - Becca

Friday, February 21, 2014

I Fancy Friday v. 23

I have to be honest, the last two weeks has been hard getting in the groove. As most of you know, I started a new job and with wedding planning, blogging, projects, work full time, life, everything just seems to be nonstop. I'm trying to get in a habit of making more time for myself and for me, Beau and Oliver by saying NO to others until after June. Hey, it isn't easy, but right now, with so much to do, I just need a little more time in each day! That being said, I was excited after two weeks, to share a few things I fancied along the way. Happy weekend everyone! I am SO excited it is Friday! xoxo

WEAR:  I am loving this adorable shirt from J.Crew. Forget the cheesy rhinestone tanks, this Bride to be wants this adorable BRIDE shirt from J.Crew {1} ! Am I able to add these amazing bow shoes to our wedding registry, hahaha, because they are what I want on my feet on our wedding day. Are they not beauties! 

I HEART: I saw these adorable Happy Notepad {2} at Liberty yesterday. I know I would be happy receiving a note on them. How about this cute As Good as Gold Pouchette  {4} I am thinking about these for some cute bridesmaids gifts. 

MAKE: What a simple little project, Floral Cup Wraps  {3} are such a cute addition to your bridal shower, getting ready on your wedding day or how about, just any day! Print and wrap, fancy coffee cup! Also, these Paleo Grain Free Sugar Cookies {5}, I am SUPER intrigued to make them, gluten free sugar cookies, yummy! 

DO: I have a date with a girlfriend to visit the Paul Smith at Design Museum {6} and am really looking forward to it! The man behind the beautiful British menswear line full of amazing prints, how about this bow tie for our wedding?

I hope you FANCY Friday as much as I do! Happy Friday! 

xoxo - Becca

*A few past Fancy Fridays: version 22, version 19, version 20

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dining In London: B.O.B's & co.

I love discovering new inexpensive and fabulous restaurants in the city! When a wonderful new industry friend Aneta recommended we meet up at a cheap eat, maybe a food truck, I though this could be the perfect time to try out B.O.B's & Co. ! On a rainy and really cold day in London, who would have known that a restaurant style that makes me think of sunny summer days in Maine, would be found right around the corner from St. Paul's Cathedral! 
 B.O.B's & Co. is currently located at it's winter location above the pub, The Rising Sun Pub. Around the corner from the cathedral and down a few cobble stone streets, you find the pub and a little lobster cooler set outside the side door. Looking up the staircase I thought to myself, what is this place! Well, I was more then pleasantly surprised!
 The decor is kitschy and fun! I kind of want to hire the place out for a little party! Full of small tables with red and white checkered tablecloths, it did remind of me summer time dinners spent on picnic tables in Portland Maine, however, nope, I was in London, above a pub, but who would have known! 
 Bob's does offer sides and specials, the shrimp and grits sounded delicious as well as the lobster mac and cheese, however, Aneta  and I could resist the classic…a lobster roll and fries. 
 Hello gorgeous! Yes, the lobster roll came served on a toasted bun with amazing crispy hot fries. The lobster was a bit different then the New England classic I am use to with mayo, however, all the same, the decadent lunch treat was worth every calories. Lets also discuss the cute logo they have on their hand towelettes for the lobster roll truck.
 We couldn't resist rocking the lobster claws at the end of lunch! 
 …or a few Instagram shots. I mean, this place is Instagram worthy everywhere!

 Next time you are looking for a little hidden gem in the center of the city or dying for a little feeling of Summer during this gloomy weather, head over to B.O.B's & Co. !
B.O.B's & Co. is located for 6 months above the Rising Sun Pub. Once the Summer comes, we can find them in the van around the city! Check out their current hours here: Website | Twitter  | Instagram | Bob's Lobster Van

xoxo - Becca

*If you liked this post you may like some of my other Dining Out Posts: London Lately,  The Pig & The Butcher, The Fish & Chip Shop, Modern Pantry, The Beach Hut. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our Engagement Photos - Part 2

Last week I shared Beau's and my engagement shoot part 1 that were taken in our neighborhood and at a local wine and cheese shop. Today I am excited to share a few more photos from our engagement that include …..Sir Oliver! As I mentioned before, we did not want a big styled shoot for our engagement. We thought it would be nice to have photos taken in London, doing what we love, which one of those things is, spending weekends on long walks with Sir Oliver, our Australian Shepard puppy. Sir Oliver is quite the model, he has had some practice {here and here!} and well, he made the day!
We stuck our wellies on and went for a LONG walk around the park for the afternoon with Kylee. I often have my yoga pants on, no makeup and my puffy coat on during these walks, so it felt pretty fancy to get all prettied up for the afternoon. 
Oliver and I have a connection, but there is nothing like Beau and Oliver's bond. It sounds cheesy I know, but do you have a dog? When Beau comes home from work, Oliver gets near the door before he is even off the elevator, its really cute. I love that Kylee captured some of their little moments together. 
Hey handsome! Oh, I mean, fiancé:)
There were times when I think moving to Florida and then packing up our lives and moving to London were crazy. However, when I see the picture below I am reminded that it was a great decision, on our our best. I cherish our weekends that the three of us spend together at the markets, cooking at home, hanging out with friends and taking long walks in new areas of the city. London is an amazing city and being able to live here during all of these celebrations has created truly fantastic memories forever!

Recognize this amazing house below? Kenwood House, the film location from Notting Hill. Kenwood House is available for wedding receptions and is also a perfect spot to grab a coffee during your day out in the Heath. Isn't it stunning!
When you are in Hampstead Heath you feel like you are MILES and MILES away from the city, but see, you can see it in the distance!
Being that we got our pictures taken around Christmas, I love that Kylee spotted the holly tree and got some images there!
Four months and counting until our big day! I may be a little stressed out with EVERYTHING going on in life now and wedding planning, however, looking at these pictures makes me relaxed and reminds me of the fun we have together, just taking a walk! I can only imagine the fun we will have on our wedding day and each day after. 
All Photos By: Kytography | Hair & Makeup: Carolanne Armstrong | Purse: Kate Spade | Boots: Hunter | Coat: J.Crew, similar here| Engagement Ring: Mine!:) from Ring Finger Studio | Location: Hampstead Heath

xoxo - Becca