Monday, June 11, 2012

My Desk and Scratch Paper Studio

Currently I am in a strange spot, working freelance projects, planning my own events, blogging and still planning on what's to come. It is great, I shouldn't complain, I get to make my own schedule which is amazing and get to spend way more time with Beau, which is also amazing. However, the strange thing is when people ask what you do it is kind of weird to explain. So I decided I needed to redo my personal cards I have had since I moved from DC and create a little office space for me in our house. Here is a little sneak at the updates....

I found Scratch Paper Studio through searching on Etsy. Her designs were fun, she responded immediately, was so easy and wonderful to work with and I didn't have to spend an arm and a leg on my new items. After a few emails back and forth I now have adorable new cards! Want to chat? I moved my Parsons Desk  to our old bedroom and we moved our bedroom to what was the guest room, allowing me for more room. I love the little space of my own! 

{Owl Pencil Cup from Anthropologie, Dutch Figurines from Beau}  

I also had Natasha design me a notepad, as I love writing quick notes but thought it would be nice to have my name printed on something. 

{Pencils from One Fine Dae

Adding fresh flowers to my desk always make my time behind my computer a little sunnier! I love using interesting glasses I find for vases, this R with a RING on it, hint hint. And this card I have had at my desk for years, my bestie Brandi sent it to me and the front says what I want to be...One-Helluva Gal! 

What would my little corner be without my many wedding mags to keep me company! 

Check out Natasha's store Scratch Paper Studio here. I just ordered new thank you cards to match the rest of the suite and am loving them! 


1 comment:

  1. Love this! I think I have that same owl pencil holder!
