Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Weekend! ~ Sunday Reading

Happy Sunday everyone! Yep, I am sitting in my backyard, laptop by the pool, typing away. I haven't posted a Sunday Reading post in awhile so I thought with all that is going on in my life {more to come on that} I would sit down, relax and share of of my favorite links from the week. It is absolutely gorgeous outside today. Sir Oliver and I are heading to the dog park, in between doing lots of work we are going to take some breaks to visit a new Fort Lauderdale boutique and maybe even sit in the some with some fro-yo by the beach! Happy Sunday!
I'm loving this post from You Are My Fave ~ stocking her dream paper shop, my dream also!

A beautiful wedding video always gives me the chills and gives me happy tears, this father of the grooms speech starts this video out so sweetly!

One of my favorite bloggers put together the cutest announcement to tell her exciting baby news!

Surprise engagements with a photographer hidden away to capture every moment are AMAZING, Beau, hint hint ;) hee hee.

I'm loving reading Sarah's new series of IT-Lists. It is always great to see into a bloggers real life and to be introduced to a new awesome blog.

I may need to make a batch of these salted chocolate chip cookies soon.

One of my favorite Florida Photographers captured the beautiful REAL bride we featured on Floridian Weddings entire wedding and it was amazing!!! Her dress was gorgeous and so was she!
Looking to redo my blog and put a lot of changes into I found this post really interesting, Curation to Creation.

Happy Sunday everyone! xoxo~Becca

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