Friday, April 8, 2011

messy bun

Hello Goody Spin Pins. I love you. I saw these little pins a couple of months ago and was completely interested in them. I thought, well, it would just be another hair accessory I buy, I try and I wear once. Two weeks ago while browsing the aisles at the fabulous Tarjay, I decided, why not give them a try. Well, I'm in love!
These little metal corkscrews make the perfect messy bun so easy. When the girls were visiting this weekend we all bought a pack and I think we all had nice little chignons laying by the pool! Honestly, forget the bobby pins, forget the little clear hair elastics. This new little product just entered my beauty staples.

Lauren Conrad, how she always manages to have the perfect messy bun, I get it, she has ten people working on her. Well, a few little hair screws and you will be having her look soon. Oh yay! Just in time for a weekend out, a new do, enjoy!


{photos courtesy of,, Lauren}

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