Thursday, January 28, 2010

a quick trip abroad

I am off for a few days in the Netherlands! It was a very last minute trip planned a week ago and I am so excited to be here with Beau. I must buy a little pair of wooden clogs before I leave! I would love to plant some tulips in them on my windowsill this Spring.
I can't wait to post pictures when I return. Have a great weekend!



Friday, January 22, 2010

pretty things

Recently there are so many pretty things out there that I am falling in love with. I have been told many times that I always "love" items or am "obsessed" with items. Yes, it is true, I find lots of things pretty and cute and I have lots of obsessions. I feel like I should start sharing my finds with all of my friends. Here are a few "pretty things" that I have found recently.

Obsessions#1 Necklaces from Roarke
Well they are a little over my New Years budget, but I just love them! I feel like I could wear them with a white blouse to work or with a black dress to an event. They are such pretty original intricate necklaces. I love.

Obsession #2 Kate Headley photography.
Yes, more wedding photography. I think I have mentioned Kate's photos before, I just keep seeing her photos and love them. Kate Headley, her pictures are so fun and pretty. She always seems to have such great detail shots during the events. So pretty.

Obsession #3 - Big Necklaces for Spring

I LOVE this new necklace from Ann Taylor. The Statement Mixed Media necklace looks so rich. Pretty! The Gold floral "Oops a Daisy" necklace from Kate Spade is also a big wish for me right now!

Just a few of my things I am loving right now! xoxo

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What to Wear!

In less then a month I will be heading down to Mexico for Mariana & Blake's fabulous Mexican wedding weekend. It is a dreary cold winter here in Washington and my mind is spinning with the possibilities of bright resort cocktail dresses I can be packing for the trip! Mariana is planning a beautiful formal wedding reception, but it is Mexico and I do not feel wearing black. Here are my me out!
This Sue Wong ombre feather dress is formal and fun! This dress is completely at the top of my list. So beautiful and amazing.
How cute would the feathers and sparkles be dancing the night away!
OK so this dress is black, but the hot pink ruffles made me want it! Are you surprised! Super cute by Yoana Barasch.

The other possibility is for me to Rent a Dress! I was forwarded this site and am really interested in it, rent the runway. Why should I spend hundreds of dollars on a one time wear dress when I could rent it! The concept is great. You rent a dress for 4-8 days and you can get 2 sizes of the dresses for free. I found these two adorable pink dresses that may be coming with me. If you have not signed up, sign up now at I will let you know how my experience is. How fun is that I could wear a $600 designer dress for $50 for the weekend!

xoxo ~ Becca

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

being sick....stinks

I spent last week full of sniffles, achey feelings and pockets full of tissues. Unfortunately after having a wonderful holiday, I got caught with the sick bug. The cold, the flu, everything has been going around! I chose to stay home for two days and tried to fight it off. After days of laying on the couch, I was wondering WHY, I thought I was so healthy! Sometimes, it just happens and you catch the sick bug.

These last two weeks at the office have been long and stressful. Finally this week I am feeling a little bit better, but still exhausted. I know that often there is nothing you can do about getting sick, however, I have made a promise to myself to NOT let it happen anytime again sooooon!

Stock your shelves with healthy! I have been stocking up on major Vitamin C. I have been drinking glasses of water, Emergen C (I like raspberry flavor!), I have been peeling clementines and oranges through out my day. I am trying to hold back on my vino consumption (so sad) for a little more tea. I have been making simple smoothies with blueberries, bananas and yogurt for a little extra antioxidants.
I have been attempting to get more rest and bundle up when I brave the cold.

So lesson learned, do not run yourself to the ground like me, Miss Busy Bee. I can still feel my stuffy head and tired body and will do anything to fight it off! Stay healthy! It is cold season! Mexico, here I come in 30 days, keep me healthy!


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

Happy 2010! I started my New Year off this morning by laying in bed for hours, drinking coffee and reading magazines, I absolutely love doing that. I started to think of the past ten years, what I've done, where I've been. Some fun memories came into my mind
that I thought I would share. Wow, the last 10 years have been quite a decade.
Here is to the next 10 and many many more memories! Happy New Year!

{10 years of memories}
Attended Syracuse University
Joined a sorority
Met great forever girlfriends
Lived in London (Saw Prince Harry & William, sigh)
Interned in NYC
Graduated College
Travelled to fabulous countries: France, Italy, Scotland, Austria, Ireland, Mexico, Canada
Got my first job at the Kennedy Center
Saw Beyonce live in person at work, served her fried chicken. (hee hee, yes, huge deal!)
Moved to Washington DC
Met more great forever girlfriends in my new city
Ran my first, second, third and fourth marathon
Ran a 1/2 marathon with my parents
Sold my car and became public transportation friendly
Opened the Newseum and started a new job
Stood on the mall with my sisters and 1,000's of others watching Obama's Inauguration
Voted in my 1st presidential election, voted in the 2009 election!!!
Moved into my own place
Stood in three of my best friends weddings
Started practicing yoga
Got braces for the 2nd time.
Saw Queen Martha live in person with my oldest sister
Watched the Piano Man perform for my Dad's birthday
Relived my youth by going to a New Kids concert
Started blogging, opened a Gmail Account, Twitter account, Facebook account,
life will never be the same.
Bought my first designer handbag (haha, big memory out of college of buying Louis!)
Did the South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers, Cleanse and am still hunting for
the magical weight loss plan
Dressed up for Halloween as a Brownie, Starbucks Barista, Witch, Princess Leia
Hosted my first Thanksgiving
Begin a great tradition with my sisters of the Sister Box
Died my hair black, blonde, brown and a little in between
Read the Twilight series
Ate my first Magnolia Bakery Cupcake
Went to St. Tropez with a bestie
Grew up ....a little
Worked at an amazing inauguration event with my sisters

Got ready for the next decade of my life to bring bigger, better and more wonderful memories!
